How to change plan view to show centers of windows and doors, not the outside measurements.


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Hello everyone. For the life of me, I can't figure out hot to change the way HD Pro shows measurements of doorways and windows. Somehow I changed it to show outside dimensions and if anyone out there could tell me how to change it to centers, it would be greatly appreciated. 

I've attached a screenshot of my plan to show you what I mean.

Thank you so much!


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To expand on the dimension defaults, select dimensions from the list and expand the dimension options. select dimensions again and then locate objects. You will see all of the options for the dimension attachment. Look at the "openings options, it most likely is "sides" as the standard, you can select more than one method, such as center.


I have been able to go back and select the dimensioned relocated it to the center of the opening. Hope this helps

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