Precision / Tolerance in Wall Length


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In designing a dream home and actually turning plans over to a builder, how specific do most builders accept for wall lengths?  If I requested a wall length be 12 feet, I'm sure there's no problem.  What if I requested 12' 1"?  Or 12' 1 1/4"?  Or 12' 1/8"?  Or 12' 1 1/16"?  Ad infinitum.


I realize this may also be affected by materials, but does anyone know what will builders generally tolerate before they hand the plans back thinking you're a PITA and more trouble than you're worth?

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Typically you want to keep dimensions to full feet measurements if possible, and to a 1/4" for your fractions for interior walls. Ideally you want to have no fractions for your exterior walls so it makes it easier to set foundation walls square. Likely framers will round off odd looking fractions anyway, yet to show them on the plan that way likely won't win you too many friends. That's my 2 cents anyway. 

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Depends on contractor and subs they hire.


Talk to them and ask before you get to far.

Most like feet and whole inches for framing but they should be able to handle fractions.


Question is how accurate will they be?

And what happens when they are off?

like will cabinets still fit? the alcove apron bathtub gonna fit or is their too large a gap?


So make sure your design has some ability to adjust for errors in framing and sometimes Wallboard peeps put the mud on heavy.


example would be cabinets placed between 2 side walls. Make sure you have a bit more inside width between wall board and overall cabinet width.

remember if purchased cabinets they can get filler strips- I like to ensure 1.5" space on each end for filler strips that can be cut to match wall and give spce for cabinet doors to open fully without pulls or knobs hitting wall.

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