Elevation only showing framing


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I am using HD Pro 2024. When I create Elevation views, only the framing appears in the rendering. I want the exterior finishes of the house to show. I cannot find where to change this setting, but it must have been something I did. Any suggestions?

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Thank you so much for responding!


The camera is on the outside of the house.


I think it has something to do with how the wall type is displayed because the elevation on the opposite side of the house, where the "garage/screen porch" is, is displaying properly (this is a different wall type). The elevations that show the house and the "garage/screen porch" together display the latter's exterior, but only the studs and structure of the "house". This is happening even though the garage wall and the house wall are on the same plane. 


I have tried adjusting the display settings under the tool menu, but still can't seem to fix it. 


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