Text for printing to 24x36


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Ok, I will try this again and maybe explain better what I am looking to do. I will attach a "cheat sheet" I have used for years with text heights based on scale. My background is Autocad and model space. Since there is a print limitation on the HomeDesigner package, I am printing to 12x18 (Arch.B)  and then doubling in Adobe to a 24x26. My floor plans are almost always 1/4" = 1'-0". In order for that floor plan to fit on a 12x18 sheet, I have to send it to the layout at 1/8" = 1'-0". The only issue I have is text height during this process. At 1/8" = 1'-0", text height would be 9" printed, if I double the pdf @ 200% to print on a 24x36 and give me a 1/4" = 1'-0" print, the text height becomes 18" instead of 4-1/2" (which is my standard 1/4" = 1'-0" text height). Is anybody else fighting this or is it just me? I have gone through all the settings and presets since that is the standard go to answer around here. And I am also aware that the software does what I tell it to do and so on and so forth. I am merely asking what others are doing to work around this. My fix at this point, using the above example is setting the text to be a text height for a 1/2" = 1'-0" scale so that when it doubles it will leave me with a text height of 4-1/2". 

Scale Chart.pdf

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3 minutes ago, HDbyJustin said:

My fix at this point, using the above example is setting the text to be a text height for a 1/2" = 1'-0" scale so that when it doubles it will leave me with a text height of 4-1/2". 


What's wrong with this?


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