Distance between CAD lines


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I have a drawing of my lot and its setback lines, and it's not a perfect right angle rectangle so setting absolute dimensions between the lines isn't as simple as taking a measurement because it would take more calculations to determine if the measurement line was perpendicular to the lines I'm trying to measure.  Is there a way to just tell Home Designer Pro 2018 that you want 25' feet between two parallel lines?


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I'm trying to improve the accuracy of my setback lines.  The rear set back line should be 25', the two on the right need to be 20' and 30', the front set back needs to be 20', and the left side set back needs to be 7'.  I can't find an accurate way to do it other than measure, move, measure, move, measure, move, until I get it, and even then I'm not sure it's exact since I'd have to measure with a perpendicular line to the between the lot line and the set backs.  Red lines are lot lines, blue lines are setbacks.

Combining topo with perimeter rev 1.plan

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Here are two ways.


Draw a line from the lot line towards the setback -- length is not important. Make the line perpendicular to the lot line. Open the line and set the length.


Use Point to Point Move to move the setback line to the end of the perpendicular line. Delete the perpendicular line.




Create a new plan with a terrain, and make the terrain big.


Copy the lot boundary and the setback lines into this plan. Copy, Paste Hold Position.


Select the setback lines and use the temporary dimension to position it. 


Once they are positioned correctly, delete the setback lines in the original plan and Copy, Paste Hold Position the new lines.

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4 minutes ago, 447Debbie said:

Is there a way I can LOCK these lines so that I don't move them as I am working on the plan?


No. They need to be on a unique layer and Home Designer lacks that ability.


I'd create a separate plan as described in option 2 and copy them there. Copy them back as needed.



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