Extend roof on first floor


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I am building a saltbox style design but would like to have the roof line extend on the first floor as shown in the image. But, if I align the second floor wall over the first floor wall, the "extension" part of the roof. I have included a sample .plan file in case someone can give me help.







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Hi, Solver and thanks for the reply.


There are a few problems with this solution (I tried it already): the roof lines won't match unless I adjust the room height, even then the overhang extends beyond the roof line on the second floor, and also the floor of the "invisible front room" creates a porch-like area that I don't want.


If you can make it work with the provided sample file, let me know... :-)

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Well, it is definitely getting there. I didn't think about the Open Below to handle the floor, but as you can see in the picture some siding is still showing (odd, huh?) and also when I align the overhangs the overhang over the attached garage vanishes! I've attached the sample for you to look at. Thanks again for the help!


UPDATE: Ok, I changed the foundation to slab and that took care of the lower siding problem. Now if the garage overhang lined up everything would be great.


sample.planFetching info...


Edited by GroverJR
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