How to freely move electrical switches


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I get the error message: "The electrical item must be placed on a wall or cabinet"


I would like to move a switch freely to where ever I want. However, I am restricted to placing the switch on a wall or cabinet.

In earlier versions, I seem to remember that I could hold CTLR-key down and then freely move the object to anywhere I wanted.

This is not possible in 2018 Pro.

Any suggestions on how I can turn this restriction off?

Thanks in advance


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Thanks for the signature tip. I have added it to my profile.

As to your question: Where do I want to place it: I would like to place it onto the ceiling, so using a wall is not optimal.

But maybe I am thinking wrong here and maybe there is a better solution.
Let me therefore explain what I am trying to do.

Background: I am doing my electrical wiring. I need only 2D plan views (no 3D rendering needed).
I need a symbol for a motion detector (PIR) attached on ceiling. I could of course import a symbol from 3Dwarehouse (which I tried at first). However, I was not able to attach electrical wires (connectors) to this imported symbol and did not find out how I could add my own connector points (like you can in e.g. Visio).

Since HomeDesigner Pro does not have a native symbol for a motion detector switch, I ended up using a standard ($) switch and just moved it to the ceiling in the middle of the room in question. This was possible in Pro 2017 by holding the CTRL-key while moving the symbol. However, Pro 2018 seems more strict and does not allow me to do this.

Any tips are appreciated. Ideally I would love to learn how I can import a custom symbol and add my own wire connector points....


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If all you need and want are 2D symbols, you can make those using just the provided 2D tools in Pro. They will not act like electrical symbols that ship with Pro, made by Chief inc. but can serve. I have downloaded some symbols from 3D warehouse sometimes at need. I mostly use Chief Premier and it is capable of making 2D/3D symbols on the fly. I often use 2D CAD arc's to represent specialized electrical lines where the default "wiring tool" falls short.



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