New Molding Profile in Pro?


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Can you create a new molding profile in Pro? Searching Help and the Knowledge Base does not provide an answer that I could find.


Can you modify a profile from the Library?


Can you turn an object -- specifically a custom counter top with applied molding, upside down (to get the molding in the correct orientation)?

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Not what you want to hear I know but Elovia is right's actually not that difficult in CA , the difficult part is drawing the CAD with all the curves, arcs etc least for me...


CA has it's quirks though , you can only manipulate some objects from certain views etc which can be a PITA , it's not like SU in that regard.


I am not sure if you could find something on 3DWarehouse or make something in SU and then import it though , might be possible depending on what you want to do...



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