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Posts posted by katalyst777

  1. Don't use "Calculate for Room" for what you want. 

    From the software's Help:

    A Materials List calculated from a room is created for only the contents of that room: wall materials are not included.


    Calculate "From Area" or "All Floors" instead.

    • Upvote 1


    If you are talking about 3D, you might want to make it as large on screen as you can, then use Final View with Shadows before you export.

    Pro has more options on exporting images for the size/resolution, but from looking at the Comparison Matrix, I don't think Suite has that feature.

    • Upvote 2
  2. The reason that you can't create a room with automatically generated Attic Walls is that they have "No Room Definition" selected by default in their Wall Specification dialog (General panel).

    You can just uncheck that option (and No Locate too, if you want dimensions to be able to locate the walls) so that you can use them for creating room definition.  There's no need to delete them just to create other walls at the same location.

  3. Going through the article Kat linked, I think the issue was with my video card.

    I updated from operating system from Windows 8 to Windows 10, but it never occurred to me that the driver for my video card wouldn't be compatible and need to be updated separately.

    So I followed the instructions from the other article on updating the driver that was linked in the one Kat posted and so far so good!

    Excellent! I'm glad that worked for you.

  4. There are quite a few situations with the automatic roof generator that you can use "trickery" to get what you want, then just turn off Auto Rebuild for the roof and make further adjustments.  Call it trickery, or workarounds, or what have you, but it's nice that there's ways to do complex roofs without having to upgrade to get Roof Groups and the other manual capabilities offered in Pro.  I was able to get by for many years using the less advanced versions using those techniques.

    (I was going to say that Jo_Ann's steps worked without the results shown in your last screenshot, but I see now that she's already written back to reread them.  :) )

  5. Help> Launch Help

    Search MASTER LIST.

    From the Help:

    The Master List saves price, supplier, manufacturer, and other information about items in your Materials Lists and allows you to apply that information to items in future Materials Lists. Select Tools> Materials List> Master List to open the Master List.


    Home Designer Pro allows you to have more than one Master List. Only one can be active, however, and only the active list is updated with new information. You can specify which Master List is active in the Preferences dialog.


    There's more information in the Help that you can look over, and a little bit of information in this Knowledge Base article as well.


    • Upvote 2
  6. "Explode Architectural Block" is only available for architectural blocks as an edit tool.  It isn't available for everything.  What were you hoping to be able to use it on?

    Or were you referring to making an Architectural Block?  You'll only have that edit tool if you have applicable things selected (like it you have a Rich Text box selected along with some cabinets, you won't see the edit tool).

    I don't recall ever seeing a clothesline in the Library Browser (and I have most of the bonus/manufacturer catalogs installed and a search doesn't come up with anything either) so maybe import one from SketchUp?

    KB-00888: Importing 3D Symbols




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  7. Make a Slab room, lower the Floor height (I just made the concrete slab floor the same material as the Terrain before realizing in your image that you may actually want to see the Slab), uncheck Roof Over this Room.  Place your door, set is as arched and whatever door/gate you want it in.


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  8. I'm not seeing a gap, but your custom "Exterior Stone Wall" wall type is set up in a rather odd fashion (vapor barrier on the inside of the framing and no drywall?).

    Like solver, if I generate a new Floor 2 in your most recent plan it does create a completed enclosed space.

  9. Certain manufacturers choose to only make their catalogs available for the Premier version and not Home Designer, so my guess is that there's some kind of check to make sure those calibz files can't be used in a less advanced version.

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