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Posts posted by katalyst777

  1. You've set your Floor Defaults wrong.

    For example, your Floor 1 Defaults have the Ceiling at 0", no Floor or Ceiling Finishes, etc.

    That's why copy/paste in to a new plan as solver's recommended will work, because the Floor 1 defaults there will be standard.

    • Upvote 2
  2. Discussed in this earlier thread from December of last year.



    As far as I can tell from the website, you'd need to upgrade to Premier to get the Pella catalog.



    You can probably create the same look though, just by modifying windows placed using the normal "Window" tool.


    (Whoops, didn't realize you were the same one who started this earlier thread on the exact same topic a couple of months ago.)

    • Upvote 2
  3. If you just want a plain column, use the Closed box shape from the Library Browser, resized however you need, with a stone material applied to it.

  4. Thank you.  Somehow my room is set up so that I could not treat each wall separately....instead each is following some "mother default".  I did manage to get the glass to appear transparent.  Am currently looking how to undo the "room" effect so I can treat each wall separately.

    Thanks for your help.

    See the article I posted previously to reset back to default, and keep in mind in the future that sadly, that's just how the material painter works on walls.

    You can't use the spray can in 3D views to change wall materials without it getting applied to the whole room. 

    There's other ways to change the materials of a single wall though, discussed in this Knowledge Base article.

    KB-00071: Changing the Color or Material of a Single Wall


    From lurking on ChiefTalk, it looks like it's better in the public beta of X8 out now, where you can paint a single wall using the Material Painter, so fingers crossed that maybe we'll see this trickle down to the next version of Home Designer too.

  5. Actually, just raising up the bottom of the glass slab door automatically put in that Sill/Threshold.


    Half Walls already have a "railing" across the top, I just set it to be the same material as the Base Cabinet's countertop.

    Also, I forgot to mention earlier, but use the "Center Object" edit tool to make placing the columns inside of the half walls a lot easier in terms of alignment.

  6. The Baseline Height of the left roof plane is set to 163 9/16".


    The Baseline Height of the right roof plane is set to 176 3/16".


    176 3/16 inches - 163 9/16 inches = 12.62500 inches difference.


    You can open the right roof plane's Specification dialog, move the radio button to lock the Ridge Top Height, and set the Baseline to match that of the left roof plane, if they are supposed to start at the same height.

  7. The answer to that is going to depend on WHY you want to change the wall height.

    Want to change the height of the ceiling in all rooms?

    One room in particular?

    Create a half or partial height wall?

    A closet with walls that aren't as high as the rest of the room?

    All these situations are covered in this Knowledge Base article.

    KB-02969: Changing Wall Heights


    For future reference, you can just use the Search box on the main Home Designer website or on the Knowledge Base page (if you use the search in this forum, it only searches HomeTalk), then go to the "Support Database" tab in the search results to see applicable articles.

  8. Something like this?

    The "Closed" box geometric shape is used for the columns with a stone material applied, Half Walls for the partial height walls, a Slab hinged door specified as glass, and other resized "Closed" box shapes for the upper glass above the Half Walls.


  9. The manufacturers themselves probably tell Chief Architect what products that their lines can be available for.

    So if you see on the website that they aren't offered for Pro, you need to either . . .

    • use the tools in the software to try to create your own closest approximation of their cabinetry if you want to use it,
    • see if you can find symbols in the 3D Warehouse for those cabinets and import them,
    • upgrade to the Chief Architect Premier version to get the manufacturer cabinets who choose to only make their catalogs for the most advanced version.
    • Upvote 1
  10. Absolutely positive. It's portable from machine to machine. The dead giveaway is that it prints in red. A video card has absolutely nothing to do with printing. If it were video card, the print image should be ok. Or at least closer. Moreover, all renderings would be off. It's just the exported image - as my linked images show.

    I respectfully disagree, this was a known video card issue in the past and it was fixed by updating the driver.  The driver bug problem didn't affect on-screen display, only when exporting/printing the image.

    That being said, however, it may be something different than what you are encountering now, and if that's the case, contacting the company's Support folks directly would probably be your best bet, then update this thread with their answer so that you may be able to help someone else with the same problem in the future.

    • Upvote 1
  11. Mine does it, too. It's not a video card issue. The elevation looks fine on screen in the app. The exported JPG (PNG, W/E) is red. Same result printing the image from HD


    Screengrab from HD Architectural

    Red JPG Image produced by same

    Are you absolutely sure it isn't a video card problem?

    This used to be an issue with older integrated Intel chipsets using an outdated drivers. (In fact, this thread was started back in 2014 even though replying to it makes it float back up to the top).

    • Upvote 1
  12. @raymond_neeves

    I've tried and cannot get the soffit to change shape.

    Could you post a simple plan with a soffit shaped into a corner so I can see how it works.

    Soffits are cabinets, so if you move your mouse in to a corner and click to place a soffit, the preview shows what looks like a corner cabinet. Once placed, you can select the corner soffit and use the front edit handle to drag it back, basically making a triangular shaped soffit.



    • Upvote 1
  13. When you start a new plan, you can either start off with an empty template (like the default, arts and crafts, etc) or you can choose to view an example file that already has stuff in it.  It's easier to just start from a new blank plan than to modify one of the examples, they're really better for just getting an idea of what can be done.

    • Upvote 1
  14. There's already a bunch of "Shapes" in the Library Browser that might work, or you can import from SketchUp like you've suggested, or you can upgrade to the Premier version that has Polyline Solids and Molding Polylines to make doing HVAC work like that much easier.

    This article does NOT apply to any of the Home Designer programs, but gives an idea of what you could do if you upgraded to Premier.

    • Upvote 1
  15. Those aren't going to look good tiled across a whole wall surface, so you may be better off using a brick from the Library Browser and just blending it to be a darker color, or find a better material to bring in that will look good tiled across a large surface (if using a Google image search, try searching for "seamless" brick textures.)

    • Upvote 4