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Posts posted by katalyst777

  1. This is how it will look if you place the nanwall symbol into a doorway opening in a wall.

    Pro has a Center Object edit tool that makes centering it inside of the wall pretty easy, but I am not sure if it is available in any of the less advanced versions.


    • Upvote 2
  2. editing a couple of windows, doors etc at the same time


    Pro only.


    rotate the whole plan/house


    Neither version really.  You'll adjust the Terrain Perimeter and its position relative to the house (the structure shouldn't be rotated, it can cause lots of problems if you try to do that with wall/roof/etc connections).


    set the north point


    Pro only.



    building the roof manually


    Pro only.

    • Upvote 1
  3. Think of it like this, the house is made up of lots of components (walls, doors, windows, furniture, roofs, etc).  The terrain is made of up your Terrain Perimeter only.  It's much easier to adjust its size/position and then customize with less margin for error than trying to rotate the house and everything that makes it up.

  4. What floor is active?  (If you moved up to Floor A, the Attic level, there may not be anything there to see).

    Go to Floor 0, Floor 1, Floor 2 etc in your plan and use Window> Fill Window Building Only until you can see the design again.  (If one floor doesn't work, but the others do, you've probably got some type of object in the distance on that floor.)

    KB-00998: Troubleshooting why a Structure Appears Small and Distant in a Full Overview or Dollhouse Camera View

  5. You may not be making large enough changes for the Show Line Weights to be obvious depending on how far you're zoomed out.  Top line is at default of 18, middle line set to 50 for the Line Weight, last line set to 100.


    • Upvote 1
  6. Given the print size limits of the Home Designer line, I don't think you'll get much feedback here.

    Since the driver is from XP but you're running on Windows 10, tech support probably won't be able to help.

    Maybe try posting over on ChiefTalk but if the extra step of printing to PDF first is working for you, then I probably wouldn't stress it.

    • Upvote 1
  7. I was very disappointed today as I finally found time to look at a trial of Chief Architect Premier X8 and it also appears to suffer from the door and window inset and fitting limitations unless I am missing something.


    Sure it resolves some annoying limitations in HDP but after all the replies to questions on this forum where its stated how easily Premier manages various tasks I had high expectations.  It just seems odd to have features such as fine grained wall join control and not be able to put a door at the exact depth in a wall without fiddling with wall types and covering gaps with soffits.

    Maybe post over on ChiefTalk to see if there is something you're missing.

    • Upvote 1
  8. you will do a different plan file for each layout.

    ie. the design will be one plan file (if it is single floor), maybe 2 plans for elevations. Similar for sections. You will then do a layout from each plan file and save to pdf.


    Halycon's advice is very WRONG and would create way more work in addition to inaccurate exterior elevations.


    KB-00484: Generating a PDF File

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