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Posts posted by Robborito

  1. Does the sequence or chronological numbering of windows adjust  to remain chronological, if you delete inserted windows from a model?

    I have produced a materials list on a small house - I notice that the window numbers are not sequential to the listing, but appear sequential to their insertion timing on the model. Its only a small house with 5 windows - but in the material list I have W1,W2, W3 W6 and W8 - and not, W1-W5 - if this makes sense?

    I did have other windows - the extra 2, but deleted them - so I am supposing that the window sequence in the material listing reference the insertion into plan number and not any relevance to a total number.


    Are there experienced Material List users that can offer suggestions?




  2. Posting a plan that demonstrates the problem would allow others to try it on their system.

    Its not the plan - its settings in the preferences. So its a method thing - not the actual model.

    Something that experience now tells me.

    Had no offers re this feedback.

    I sent my plan ( as you suggest) originally to support at CA - they offered very little other that FAQ's.


    I've sorted it out myself - for 512 k of iMac video - I now don't use live shadows and only use vector simple rendering and select "final view with shadows" 

    when I need the rendered image during presentation only.

    Backdrops also slow things down - it seems. ( although vector views make things easier )

    All good now. (so far)

  3. I have temporarily improved my situation by turning off shadows and selecting vector rendering; The software fly's allot better for me. I just do a final render 'with shadows' when I need it as a final image to show my client; Seems to me - that HDPro has been setup like this for this very reason.

    I have no doubt that there is so much more of these items in here that it will take me a few years to discover.

    What I need - is a shortcuts book of videos? Or - maybe just some more time to burn.

    Anyway - all much better for now for me at least.


    As for the 30 seconds dead spot 'RollingStone' user - I have had that also on occassions - but reasoned I did something dumb!!

    Not likely the software - I have every faith that this has been thought about a little more than just offering poor solutions.

    Try turning of shadows and running just the vector renders.

    Works for me.


  4. What is the size in Mb of your plan file that is slow? When you create an overview,how long does it take to fully initialize? Do you have a large terrain plane with many plant and tree images? It sounds to me like you may have created a highly detailed, large plan file that would slow down any PC or Mac. There is a limit as to how much graphic data can be easily displayed per unit of time.



    No nothing of the sort, this can occur on very simple models, nothing elaborate with lots and lots of extra detail and objects like you are suggesting I my have; I know that has an influence on it all but I have none of that; It was suggested to me by the support ticket response I got that my plan fills and kitchen cbd bench top fills might be causing an effect; they were removed to no avail - no change when I resumed no fills; Still sluggish movements.

    As for the use of Macbook Pro - that is not the same as iMac - I only have 512 k of video - whats doing on the Macbook? I think it may be more. 

    I am becoming of the opinion that for me - HDPro has its limitations.  Well so it seems.

    I am used to a more free-er liquid smooth flowing pan and 3D manoeuvring with other software I use.

    I think its the engine in HDPro.

    You guys might be flying with it for now - but I am not.

    I find it all too frustrating.

    The obvious things (like suggested above by two users, thank you kindly sirs ) are not things I am doing - I know the difference.


    I will pursue this for a while.

    Thankyou again for your suggestions.

  5. I have been using HDPro for a few months now on selective projects - and still find that the 3D camera views in rotation and general screen movement to be disappointingly slow and sluggish. (at best)

    I have discussed this issue with HD Pro support, lodged plan files, bmp samples, have turned off all my fills on screen in plan view at support suggestion etc, but even the simplest of models that I work on I have the same delayed screen movement of what I might be working on.

    Are there other iMac or 'Mac-users' of HDPro that also experience this?

    I've only really noticed this since I purchased  the licence and got into it properly - so the horse has bolted on it for me.

    But - I was curious to see if this activity is simply unique to my world - or is it the iMac scene.


    I have the latest OSX and graphics updates also on the iMac.(10.9.5 is all I want atm)

    No change graphically.

    Its rather disappointing really.



  6. The render engine in HDPro that produces the 'Technical Illustration' and the 'Watercolor ' effects - is uniquely individual in the real world. (For my clients)

    Not in any other package I use.


    I am only new to the HD Pro software - but I am a long term ArchiCAD user and 'Cinerender', the renderer in ArchiCAD 18,  is truly great but photo-realiasm imagery is not alway the only answer.

    If you want photorealistic imagery - why use HDPro? 


    I use HDPro - for specific projects - and every client is always impressed - not just the design, but in the presentation tools of HDPro  - ArchiCAD does not have any of these?

    Don't give them comparisons to other tools in other programs - Avoid comparisons with other programs - unless you intend to buy/use them.


    I market the presentation of my design product around the tools of the software - not vice versa.

    I select the software as the tool appropriately for what I need to present.


    I cannot model 250 apartments over 7 story's in HD Pro - so I use ArchiCAD.

    I don't use a sledge hammer to crack a wallnut - so I use HDPro on select workable projects.


    Cheers to all of you guys.

    This forum makes great regular reading for a novice user.

    I've leant allot in a short space of time.

  7. I've discovered that what is termed a'stem-wall' - is locally known as a 'dwarf-wall' - me thinks?


    In the meantime - I have sorted out meddling most of what you have demonstrated here for me - Thankyou.

    I still however - do not grasp the do's and donut's of floor defaults, wall defaults/specification and room defaults/specification.

    The interaction is at the moment 'try it and see' -  with no reference to actuality and change.


    Is there a text/help for this anywhere known to the HDPro - user?


    Thanks Eric.

  8. No - sorry, I'm not with it.

    Have you changed the stem wall height or the ceiling height; All I get when I change the stem wall height is the posts become a clad external wall?

    Or - the stem wall  and posts lift out of the ground?


    And as for the drawing of what I want to do at roof - see attached;


    Regards Eric.



  9. I'm lost sorry - what have you modified  in the room (or wall) structure preferences to remove the walls but leave the posts and beam?

    I can't seem to replicate this as you show it.


    And as regards the other items - my model show an external wall above a roof that needs to be both an internal and external orientation?


    Thanks for your post.

  10. I have attached a HDPro plan file of a small single storey mixed use building - I'm having trouble understanding the knowledge base for HDPro.


    Could someone advise me how best to plan out a series of basement posts or piers - see attached;

    What's with the hole cut out HDPro has created here?

    I have created what I thought is best by selecting basement creation with 'posts to beams' and turning of handrails/balusters etc.

    But there are lower walls below these posts an much more I am unfamiliar with.


    Is the chimney boson the attached model a clerestorey here?

    Do I model the walls in the attic - or create them as clerestorey wall.

    I want to place windows here also. Not sure where or how to.


    I've read up on clerestorey methods by other users (phew!) - does this mean that any wall above a roof is a clerestorey? if so - creating a narrow room that later is deleted has lost me here? Is this merely a means to an end for clerestorey creation of wall above roofs?

    So simple - yet so very unclear.


    Once I get my mind around how HDPro works - 'attics are not floors' etc - so much the better.

    The user guide and reference manuals - are mere dictionaries.

    Great base info but not much as enduser advice nor instruction. ( Apart from creating site plot plans and some other matters)


    Thanks in advance. (hopefully)


  11. Hi HD Pro-ers;


    Can someone please explain what dictates the insertion head height of a door into a wall?


    Wall specification shows the  door located as shown below in second png.;


    Whilst in the 3D window - the door is located in a basement wall but with the head much higher?



    I can't find anything clearly explaining this for in the help options that clearly explains this - Thanks.

    Not able to lower the door head height in the wall - is there a default for this?



  12. Thanks David for your advise.


    I have not used detailed surveyor info as it just complicates the matter.(historically)


    I have a pdf file of the site with contours to scale and all I have done so far is shape the terrain perimeter to the shape the pdf depicts.


    I have now managed to view with site but as yet still contemplating modelling the contoured form of it.

    The viewing problem was my location of the camera of the perspective camera view in relation to the site. (see my attachment)

    I moved the camera much much closer to the target and can now see the site in its entirety. Great.


    Under 'Render' Preferences - a button named 'Zoom Using Field Of View' - if deselected - does little to avoid camera distorted views I find.

    Seems difficult to navigate such a large site.

    Any further suggestions?

  13. Hi - I am a relatively new user of HDPro.

    I have looked at help - but can't see anything specifically on this.

    I do recall reading something somewhere - but have not tracked it down again.


    Here is my dilemma;

    I have been modelling a site that is approx. 200Ha - about 490 small lot this on.

    Have set up a 'Perspective Full Overview' - but this view is empty.

    It doesn't show the lot terrain model.

    I can only assume its too large for HDPro- to handle?

    Is there a limitation on the size of a terrain model?

    Works fine in plan - just cannot see it in 3D window?


    I've attached a screen shot in HDPro showing plan view of the site size and location and camera.




    Further on this;

    I now know that the size of the lot is not relevant. (it seems)

    I also now know that the distance the camera is located from the target is also relevant.

    Moving the camera closer and using default settings lets me now I can see the site.

    However, the rotation and camera movements over the site are extremely staggered and jerky.

    This would be the graphics memory I guess?


  14. In addition to what's already been suggested, there's also bonus catalog called "Wire and Lattice Material" which has a selection of lattice materials.

    These work great applied to something like a Closed box shape from the Library Browser reshaped under a deck, which is much quicker/easier than trying to use a fence or lattice symbols, IMHO.


    Hi - what do you mean here - sorry, 'applied to something like a closed box shape' ? The lattice objects in my HDPro 16 either squeeze everything to a new size or retain and aspect ratio - which just miniaturises or expands the look and scale of the lattice  - from my use anyway. Thanks

  15. The Living Area Label will always return to its default location. There is a suggestion by me to change that behavior.


    Cannot speak to your other issues, but if they can be replicated, send the plan to support.

    The Help pages suggest that it (Living Area ) can be located away from its default - to suit ones requirements;

    Thats is true - until you re-open the layout - and it returns to its default spot.

    Can others add comments to your suggestion?

    if so, where please.....

  16. I am unable to maintain any relocation from the default position of the 'Living Area' -  plan notation;

    Have followed 'help' guidance etc from within HDPro - but it always returns to its default spot?

    That is centrally justified under floor plan work area.

    Am I missing something. (apart from pointy ears)


    Additionally, I am noticing that some Text  notes added to a floor plan seem to vanish.....from my file when I return after a previous editing session.

    I am sure I am saving the file during the edit and on closing - so where is it going?

    Not on layers turned off, not sitting under something...a mystery to me.


    Likewise with room internal floor areas - appear there in edit - but gone upon return.

    Is there a default that I am not changing in the save maybe?

    I'm not sure.


    Anyone with similar happenings?

  17. In other words, you cannot print to a larger size from Home Designer Pro, even if you are just "printing to a PDF file."

    Once the PDF is created, it's outside of Home Designer's hands.

    I opened Pro again for a re-look and have found that in the Drawing Sheet Setup under Printer - I can now use and A1 sheet? is this a new upgrade development or was I missing something earlier with my posts in my demo of this software? This if is a new development - is a great advance and if right - I will buy the Pro version......Can anyone confirm please?I've emailed Chief - but yet have not had a reply. So much for living on the under-belly of mother earth I guess.......( They are busy, I know.) 


    OooPs - hang on - I'm revising this post - Have just realised the sheet layout can be A1 size - but the printer will only let me output to A3 sheets. Which requires further page pasting and editing to make an original the same size as the layout. What bout the pdf? Same output restriction.

    Sorry for this further frustrated post.

  18. Not quite sure I understand your comments ,about the extra buttons and features , that is basically why there are 5 versions of the  software , you wouldn't buy Pro if Suite did the same job , so I am not sure why you seemed surprised about that , but it is frustrating , (been there done that) , and it is a love/hate relationship for sure :)  but once you get to know the Software there are many workarounds etc you can employ.


    With the ability to Print to PDF , you can print pretty much any size you want/need , so I wouldn't let that hold you back.




    So the print to pdf - which I can't see because I'm using a trial version, has no sheet size limitation?

    I know as you say  - buying 'it' is the first step. There are work-arounds I'm sure.

  19. Having now reviewed 'Pro' side by side with Architectural and Suite - There are other buttons in Pro that just don't work in the more economical 'DIY' versions of the software.


    This limited output/printing thing is one thing for me, probably the most important.

    I still don't understand that part.


    But things like 'custom countertop' and 'partition' (kitchen design tools) that are only available in Pro.

    I think I get the 'Home Designer'picture now.


    It does now look like Pro is my only choice - if and when the output is ever changed

  20. I have the OZ trees - they are fairly average, nothing too flashy or indigenous about them though.

    No OZ plans as you refer to though.

    I prefer starting with a blank palette as it were anyways.


    I do recall having read about the upgrade paths - which is an incentive for sure. Very smart.

    Chief guru's have replied to me regarding the sheet size output upgrade to an A1 max sheet - which equals 2 x A2 or 4 x A3 size equivalent.

    My metric sized  A1 is about your 24" x 18" I think?

    I was told it would be discussed in the product review.

    I'm not holding my breath though.

    Nor waiting for that matter.

    Thanks Mick.

  21. The ArchiCAD background feedback from DJP - is very true. It is a fine program - but in my 16 years use of it  I have barely scratched the surface with its multitude of features. But this is not about it - but about Home Designer & Chief.


    As an experienced used of the former - I am still blown away with the latter. ( HD & Chief)

    And yes - imo, HD & Chief  are more user friendly.


    I did email sales at the Chief HQ and they have answered my questions re earlier post.


    Mick - No HD Suite does not allow raking or pivoted sill - but will match roof slope at head.

    I went there first actually. (ha ha)


    I have a local Contractor here who after I introduced him to its estimating/quantities feature he has jumped in with Chief Premier - up to his neck Mick. Probably a little over his head actually.


    I have a nail bag too I tell him, but its only filled with paper clips.


    But like most contractors I know - he blames me for his poor design skills.

    The software does not design buildings I told him  - the user does that, it outputs only as good as what you input to it.

    Anyway- that's another story.

    He designed and output his own recent new home house plans and approval doc's - without me. (Smarty-pants he be!)

    Next time I'll keep it all to myself. They were not as good as I would do, of course - but they were still approved.


    The comparison charts on the software are contradictory in a few spots - and rather non-comparative. imo.

    Anyway - its all good - I'm trailing HD Suite - for the enjoyment of it and as a comparison to HDPro.

    It's fine for the money - $126 AUS. A bargain actually.

    And a stepping stone.

    You have very beautiful detailed design basics in the USA.

    Not much of that here in AUS. More pseudo minimalist colonial revival - if thats a vernacular?


    Thank you gentlemen for you comments as experienced user/operators.

    PS - what is this trade in thing, and is the licence transferable then?

  22. I have jumped from HDPro to trying a trial of HD Suite now - as an alternative to investing $ 650AUS dollars - this will only be $ 130AUD - I see this as a foot first into the quicksand, perhaps a little more slowly than jumping into waist deep mud - as it were.


    Are there users that can advise or comment if HD Suite,

    • The 'Print Model' - feature does this in fact work in this version ?
    • A comparison chart of Chief and HD depicts its not available at all in HD?
    • Yet the HD comparison chart states it is available - from what I see anyway.
    • The HD comparison chart says no printing output is possible - is this correct ?
    • On the other hand comparison chart depicts maximum sheet size of printer - so I'm confused.
    • Will it produce elevational views - I don't think it will ?
    • What other known unknown limitations does this version , Home Designer Suite, have please?

    That comparison chart would be better demonstrated in a more graphic format. imo.


    There are allot of features there.

