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Posts posted by DavidJPotter

  1. That cursor icon appears when in the Terrain Specification Dialog you uncheck "Auto Rebuild Terrain". Place a check mark there and then the cursor icon goes away. Such icons appear by  your cursor when certain default tools or conditions are turned OFF by the end user (to remind you to turn them back ON).



  2. The software is basically a robot mechanism that ONLY does exactly what you tell it to do or not to do by way of settings. Simply naming a room "Garage" is merely a starting point. Garage floors are commonly sloped for drainage purposes but the software does not natively slope floors. Any way the floor level of any room is commonly "zero inches" on the first floor until or unless you change the "Floor Height" level input box.



  3. "Edit - Default Settings - Dimensions - Locate Interior - Main Layer Inside" should do what you wish. If not you are left with manually moving the dimension points where you wish them to be.



  4. When posing questions here you need to add what software and its version you are using. Different titles and versions have different capabilities. Generally speaking I do not believe what you wish to happen can be done in any Home Designer software title or version but if I knew what/which you do have I can be more certain. Once I know your software title and version, I may be able to do was you wish using Chief Premier and then send it back to you, if you will post a copy of your .plan file, let me know, please.



  5. You may have to make copies of the material and apply them at different angles per group of cabinets to obtain the look you want. I have done this at need to get just the look I wanted where one single instance did not.



  6. They must be manually saved or all work in the "saved" camera is lost, sorry. The first thing I do when detailing an elevation or cross section camera is to mark it "saved" in its dialog box, otherwise you are just screwed.



  7. In plan view, in the garage "room" the part of that room where you wish to have a higher ceiling (by raising the ceiling when you build roofs, that will cause the roof planes to be higher due to the higher ceiling height). You divide the garage in to two areas, one with a lower ceiling and the other set to a  higher ceiling to accommodate your tall garage bay door and ceiling. This software only does what it is "told" to do by way of settings only.



  8. Please post questions in the "Q & A " section, the "Tips and Tricks" section is not for posing questions but rather for offering to others Help with your Tips and Tricks, not questions. You also need to say what software title and version of the software you are using, they are not all alike, they have different tools and features, title to title and version  to version. Sorry



  9. You need to measure or estimate the roof pitches of YOUR home and input those to get your roof system started. The program, the software is not smart, rather it is a finely made tool but has no more intelligence than a hammer or a wrench.



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  10. How to set up for auto-roof generation is to be found in the "Build Roof" dialog - "Roof Styles" tab. On simple test plans practice producing each of the roof types BEFORE you work on the roof system of your house plan file is my advice. The settings must be exactly right to obtain an intended result and this requires study followed by practice to obtain actual competence. For the roof geometry of your home some additional tweaking of what is generated "automatically" will need to be manually adjusted by you to emulate your home's roofs as well.

    Here is a link to the Home Designer website of help articles addressing Manual Roof Editing: https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/search/?default_tab=all&q=manual+roof+editing



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  11. You can try to turn off "Shadows" and see it that helps. You can use the "Adjust Material Definition" tool on the ceiling material to adjust its properties. It is usually "settings" of one kind or another that make visual differences.

