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Posts posted by DavidJPotter

  1. Commonly I would create a "dry bar" simply using cabinets, uppers with glass doors and base cabinets for the working space. If you were to post an image or photo of what you are seeking, it would then be easier for others to assist you. I am merely guessing at this point.



  2. Obviously the names for enclosed spaces are not just names, rather they come with preprogrammed attributes, which you have seen and experienced. Read your Reference Manual, practice and observe what your settings cause, good or bad. Watch a help video and then practice what you learned to make sure you have properly learned/understood what you watched. The software is a tool and it is up to you to learn how to use it to obtain desirable results for yourself.



  3.          It is not programmed to show you a specific door unless the door selected is the ONLY one of its type in the plan file, rather when you select show item in plan, it merely selects all such objects of that type and not a specific door unless that is the ONLY door of its type in  the  plan  file. If you have several doors in a plan of the same type, it  will select all  such objects. By select, I mean that the item or items are merely highlighted in  your plan file plan view after clicking on the command, nothing else.



  4. On 5/8/2022 at 4:12 PM, Jo_Ann said:

    A word of advice:

    Snapping stairs to a landing can be very frustrating.

    Keep at it until you get the hang of it.


    Landings have to be perfectly sized (side to side) to get the stairs to snap to them.

    Sharight the above is the best advice there is for this tool.



  5. 8 hours ago, PMMully said:

    What did the generated foundation look like?

    I don't remember and do not care since I am not a state licensed Structural Engineer; the only persons who can legally design foundations. What Chief and HD do is purely conceptual.



  6. Never had anything like that happen. The first thing you can do is to check your current computer relative to the "Minimum Requirements" listed on  the Home Designer website and compare it against your computer and its hardware. If then found to be "OK" then check your mouse and video card software drivers to see if they need updating. Those two areas are the most likely candidates for scrutiny when such unwanted things happen.



  7. Terrain was added to this software as a feature in 2,000 AD and since it has always been treated as an "add on". What this means to you, as Eric pointed out is that once you modulate the terrain as you wish you then set its locational relationship relative to the structure or structures to each other using the "Building Pad" input box to raise or  lower the terrain plane relative to the zero inches of the structure's first floor.



  8. There is a lot of automatic actions in this software. Most of them  operate (do what they do) mostly based upon Default settings. In your case it is that the Auto-generated Attic walls are not filling in where they are visually needed between your custom  ceiling planes and the underside of the roof planes. The ONLY tool you have available in  HD Pro are auto-generated or MANUALLY DRAWN attic walls. Soffits are not that customizable to fill unwanted holes like yours. The only tool you can apply that I can think  of would be a attic wall or walls to close those holes manually (easier said, than done...). I tried for several  minutes to do  that and I failed. I now recommend that you submit your plan to Chief Architect Tech Support to see if perhaps they can come up with something that does work for your purposes. I hope that Eric or someone else gets a success for you, sorry.

    In Chief Premier X10, I have several options to fix the holes that do not exist in HD Pro, I was trying to fix it using just Pro tools but I found that did not work. If you like, I will fix your problem in X10 and repost the plan but you will NOT be able to alter that "fix" once you get the plan file back. Let me know, please.




    PS: edited file attached in X10, enjoy


  9. All three gables should follow the "pitch" setting in the "Build Roof Dialog" UNLESS you entered a different pitch setting that directly effect the center gable so it would NOT follow the global setting. That is the ONLY way I can think  of right off, though there are other ways to do what you did.



  10. That Pro builds virtual trusses, it is not a State Licensed Structural Engineer or Lumber Company. Only those sources can legally design trusses. Home Designer Pro and Chief Architect Premier can draw manually, trusses but as I said they are Not legal to submit for permits, only  State licensed persons can design trusses.



  11. In Pro In an elevation camera you can use the "Custom Backsplash" tool, found under Cabinet Tools. Basically you draw, using the tool selected to create a closed polyline into which can be assigned the tile pattern of your choice.


    Another method of doing this in Pro is to as Rookie suggested, using wall breaks to isolate sections of walls around a tub or shower you can then assign to those wall segments, using the "Wall Coverings Tab" of those isolated wall segments to assign custom materials and define the height and width of those walls to display the materials of your choice.



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  12. Rooms named "Deck" by default do not have a "Roof over this room". So you have to open the Decks specification dialog - Structure Tab - and check "Roof over this room" in order to have a roof auto-build. You should also look at the Build Roof Dialog - Roof Styles Tab for how to set up the walls of a porch for a shed roof as well. It is you who has to figure things out, the software is merely a mechanical device that looks for its guidance from you and only you.



  13. You shared your plan earlier while it was actively open in HD Pro, when when done results in an unusable copy of the plan file. Close Pro and THEN upload a copy of your file, only that way will others then be able to view and edit (help you) the file. I finally found your good copy, thank you.



  14. Such imports usually come in on the "Default CAD" layer. You should position one of the corners your import at or near the "0-X and 0-Y" position in plan view then "Lock" the layer in the plan view's "Display Options" dialog. Then you should be able to trace without interference from the import.



  15. Take a look at Default Settings - Foundation - Monolithic Slab and then also in  Default Settings - Floors and Rooms - First Floor - Structure Tab - Foundation Settings. This software follows it's Default Settings and other settings so It is up to you to learn them and guide the software to a desired result.

