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Everything posted by Vikki_WA

  1. A few weeks ago I downloaded and installed the new Daltile manufacturer library. It's great, love the tile, but it made my old Daltile library (which had completely different items) disappear. I found the old .calib file on my computer and ran it to put it back in my library. I now have the new Daltile library (which is fine) and a Daltile-2012 library which said it installed properly but is missing all the textures. How do I get it back?
  2. Warren, What software are you using? HD Pro has a number of cabinet handles in the library and there is also a bonus catalog available with even more.
  3. Vikki_WA


    In floor plan view, click on the room. If the room doesn't become highlighted then it is probably no longer being defined as a room due to incomplete wall connections somewhere. Look closely at the corners of the room and if there are spots that don't connect, fix them. This is what has caused my floors to disappear in the past and now it's the first thing I check if the problem crops up.
  4. Mick, I have found it neccessary to edit the "Opening no material" to full transparency, don't know why it isn't that way to begin with. I have saved a couple of base templates with all my preferences and always use those when starting a new plan. Any materials that have been edited, as well as my design and program preferences, will be saved with those particular templates so I find it to be a real time saver.
  5. Vikki_WA

    dormer display

    Can I turn off the display of floating dormers on floor plan view?
  6. You might try a single stringer staircase and set the stringer material to "Opening/no material" (in the Misc category of your materials library.)
  7. In a 3D view I can select a wall and get edit handles on all sides so that I can change the top and bottom heights of the wall, but this doesn't seem to be available with railings (no top or bottom handles). The default top and bottom height are greyed out in the dialog box as well. I want to lower the bottom of an exterior railing to bring it closer to the terrain. Any idea how to do this?