Trouble getting an addition to mesh with the current roof. Won't even build the wall.


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If using Pro, and asking about roofs, always mention if you are using the auto roof builder, or doing them manually.


Your 3rd image clearly shows the problem. What's intruding into the space where the wall should be?

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Thanks Eric. Yeah, looks like the roof overhang is getting in the way. Not sure if I need to model this as a separate wall, interior or exterior, or if I need to buy pro to get the additional roof tools. Would it help to share the drawing file? 

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With Suite and Architectural, you need to get the roof to build as correct as possible, then turn off Auto Rebuild and work on the plan. This might involve adding, or removing walls, or simply moving walls.


Take one of those horizontal yellow walls and pull the end back disconnecting it from the exterior wall on one end and see what happens to the roof.


Try the same with the other yellow wall after reconnecting the first one.


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