Having trouble joining simple roof planes


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I am having trouble creating what I think should be a simple roof plan.  I have three roof planes across the front and three across the back.  I raised the center front plane over a porch.   My problem is how to connect the planes.   The three along the back will not connect even though they have same pitch and I have essentially butted them against each other.  The little fascia at the top of the front pitch will not generate either.   What am I missing?  I am using HD Pro 2024.   I tried to upload the plan but it failed.

View1.pdf View2.pdf

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Why are you using manual roof planes?


To fix the problem, delete the 2 outside roof planes, break the center one as shown and drag the edge out to the end of the house.


Join the ridges.


You cannot join two butting roof planes as you are trying to do.


Roof planes are also polyline based objects, so you can union them if they overlap, and there is a tool to make one coplaner with another.



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And looking at your floor plan images, all your roof baselines are in the wrong place.


See videos on the Home Designer website, Chief YouTube channel and my YouTube channel (link below).


This is auto built -- took 10 seconds ...



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