Foundation Plans


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I'm looking for some help on creating a foundation plan. I've been using home designer pro for the last few years off and on but have yet to figure out how to actually easily create a foundation plan that can be part of a set of construction drawings. In particular this is hardest for me when there is also a finished basement plan. I've been creating the finished basement plan first and then once it is done and the layout file has been created I move on to creating a foundation plan by adjusting staying on floor 0 and begin to turn on and off layers to get the correct items to display. Then I create some additional cad lines to show interior footings and go from there. This seems like such a cumbersome way to do the foundation and finished basement plans and I can't help but think I'm just missing something. Any help would be greatly appreciated.




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You are limited by the tools you have in Pro, and it sounds like you are doing things the only way possible. There may be better ways to do individual things in your process, but it's difficult to recommend anything without seeing your steps.


Suggest you ask specific questions if you feel like something could be done better. Attach a simple plan that shows a typical structure, and the corresponding layouts showing what you want.


Some will build the basement on floor 1, and the foundation (footings etc) on floor 0. This is mostly manual, but it seems to give more control.


I'm not here to sell you on an upgrade to Chief, but here is a comment I made earlier today on some of its capabilities.



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Thank you for the replying. I was hoping it was going to be easier but am not surprised that something like this was going to come up by going with Pro over Chief. I find grouped windows and side lights on doors to be quite cumbersome too. I guess those are another area where Pro falls short.  I'll take at the other thread you shared and see where it goes to help me. Upgrading is not in the cards for me financially right now. 


I've attached the two plans that I am having difficulty with tat I thought I'd share in case someone seen . They are both level 0, only difference in them is I adjust the layers visible on the basement plan and put in a few cad lines for the interior footings to get something usable for a foundation plan going.   


Thanks again


2022 10 06 Basement Floor Plan.pdf 2022 10 19 Foundation Plan.pdf

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