Insulation fill pattern not available?


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I am using Home Designer Pro 2021, Build

I am trying to add insulation in a section detail.

I drew a rectangle, opened the fill Style but insulation is not shown as an option.

Am I doing something wrong? How do I add insulation?

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4 hours ago, DianeQ said:

stanmason, did you ever find the answer?





On 6/1/2021 at 12:53 PM, solver said:

Search the Home Designer website for insulation. Always a good place to start when you have a question.


On 6/1/2021 at 1:28 PM, solver said:

The answer is there.


Have you searched Help? The answer is also there.


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@DianeQ and @SKorte, there is an "Insulation" tool available in Home Designer Pro. This tool is essentially a box polyline with an insulation fill. You can use this tool in plan views or elevation views. 


It can be found in Home Designer Pro by going to CAD> Boxes> Insulation


I hope this helps!

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