How do I place dimensions in an elevation view?


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Can you place dimensions in an elevation view with the  Interior version?. I understand that the knowledge base has a review of this topic using the Pro and Architect versions. I can make a camera view but can not place dimensions.   I can only place dimension in the plan view. Am I  missing something or just have to buy one of the other versions. 

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I know in Pro you can definitely do it , not sure about HDA , so will believe you , but in other versions it is not possible as Dims cant be placed in 3d Camera views, only elevations/cross sections ( this is the same in any version even the Full CA )


might be possible to take a side view and in Paint or similar programs add text notes to the image but it wont be to scale AFAIK.



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In the interior version, it looks like the measuring tape as well as the text are also not available in the camera views.   I have tried importing pics. into other programs for text insertion and dimensions. This will only get me so far, not very professional looking.   I will consider upgrading to other software versions.



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There is no dimensioning ( or tape measure) in 3D Camera views , in any version....


Dimensioning is possible in Elevation Cameras/Cross Section (Views) as is the Tape Measure and Text , I however can't tell you what limitation there are in HDA , but in Pro you have full capabilities and can do detail Cross Sections such as Typical Wall Details along with adding dims and text to Elevations. see here....


An insight into what dim. works in what program




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To place a chain of Elevation markers, click multiple points, then double-click (or click OK in the Control Box) and use the Hammer cursor to place the chain. If you select and move all elements related to an Elevation Dimension without selecting the dimensionchain itself, the dimension chain will move with them.

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  • 7 years later...

I've recently purchased the HD Suite 2023 version and I have encountered this same problem/ limitation. I want to dimension the kitchen cabinet heights in elevation view and the functionality won't allow it. Just the temporary tape measure function is available.


I can't see why this apparently simple functionality isn't available in elevation view as its quite integral to a completed set of plans, particularly kitchens. With an older HD version I used to save an elevation image in 'Paint' and insert the vertical dimensions in that way, but that was quite awkward and time consuming. 


I would have thought that the latest versions of HD Suite should have at least upgraded this dimensioning functionality by now. Have many other users enquired about this?

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