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Posts posted by katalyst777

  1. I just purchased Home Designer Suite 2015 and have run into a bit of a quandary...   There is no option / mode for Advanced Framing Techniques which I find rather surprising because not only is it Labour saving but Materials Saving & better for the Environment as there is far less wastage and less redundancies.


    According to "Tech Support" this is not an option in anything less than Pro or Chief Architect which of course is a substantial "upgrade cost" for the software.  This is not an option for me as I am within very tight constraints. 


    Does anyone have predefined libraries for Advanced Framing Methods which can be added into / used with Designer Suite ?


    Can I use the above mentioned method to add in Advanced Framing ?


    Other Options ?   Or do I ask for a Refund as Tech Support Suggested ??   (now that is really LAME, great support there !)



    Thanks in Advance



    There's a list of features in each of the different programs on the website, under Products select "Product Chooser" . . . , I know it doesn't help now that you've already purchased, but it can be a good reference if you do want to upgrade. 


    The less advanced versions aren't really marketed towards people doing construction that need to make changes to framing elements, so if you just want to make a wall thicker or thinner, I believe you can do that in Suite.

    I upgraded from an earlier Architectural version (which is in between the Suite and Pro versions) and it had a little more control over wall types, but Pro is the only Home Designer program with any control over framing.

    Perhaps after you complete the design in Suite you could post on ChiefTalk and someone there might be able to modify the framing elements you want in the Premier version?

  2. You can't have multiple page layouts without upgrading to Premier X6.

    You can create multiple single page layout files in Pro though, then print them to PDF individually and stitch the PDFs together in a third party application.

    • Upvote 2
  3. You can't customize your toolbars in Architectural between sessions, so just shut the program down completely, start it back up again, and the next time you select an object your Edit Toolbar will be back at its default location.

    • Upvote 1
  4. You can set the Ceiling Height in the Floor Defaults, and all the rooms will follow that, unless you open the individual room's Specification dialog and change it.

    Room Defaults let you modify things like the Ceiling/Floor Structure and change material finishes for those surfaces.  The values that are greyed out are because you cannot change them from that location.

    • Upvote 1
  5. You can select Edit> Default Settings> Dimension> Dimensions and on the Setup panel, choose to see a + or - after the dimension, or also the ~ approximation symbol if the dimension isn't exact, to give you a visual cue it needs to be changed.

    You can also go to the Format panel to set the Accuracy.  By default, it looks the smallest fraction is set to 1/16, so for your example, you probably would want to change that to decimal places instead.

    • Upvote 1
  6. Zoom out so you can see the whole design, you'll probably notice a highlight circle around a wall connection. 

    The mouse cursor is letting you know there's a bad wall connection (doesn't have anything to do with Mac vs PC).  It's actually a very nice addition since in older versions you just had to try to look visually for bad wall connections and hope they looked a little wonky compared to how they should be.

    • Upvote 1
  7. David is wrong! Wow, that's fun to say. ;)

    Select Edit> Preferences.  Go to File Management.  Under Thumnail Images, uncheck "Enable" and click OK.

    It won't delete any ones that have already been created, but you won't get any new ones generated once you turn it off.

    BTW - As for not being able to fathom the purpose, it makes it very easy to see what the file looks like when opening or searching for saved files.

    • Upvote 1
  8. Looking at the trial version of Architectural 2015, the buttons you are referring to are on the Edit toolbar, so they only show up when you have an object selected, but they are on the bottom of the screen, so I'm not sure I follow your first point.

    The mouse orbit tool is still on the toolbar, it's just that the toolbar itself no longer changes when you switch between views so you'll probably just have to get used to its new location.

    Tabs make it easy to switch between views without having to go under the Window menu when you want to return to Floor Plan, another open file, a Camera view, etc.


    The ability to create stair winders as shown in your image looks like it's still a Pro only feature not offered in the less advanced Architectural version.

  9. The Chief Architect System Requirements page has a list of differences that I'm assuming trickled down to the Home Designer programs (since I just discovered I can't import SKP in to Pro 2015 on the Mac) which says that a Trackpad should work although personally I've only been using the mouse.  No idea why these aren't listed on the Home Designer System Requirements page as well though.



    • Upvote 1
  10. Wow, I didn't realize the Mac version doesn't allow for importing SKP files until I saw this question.

    Installed Pro 2015 over on my PC and can confirm that at least between Architectural 2014 and Pro 2015, I am seeing the same difference in how the preview for the symbol displays.  

    I probably wouldn't have noticed since I only typically save one or two SKPs to my Desktop before importing them, and they are already descriptively named, but maybe check with the company's Support team to see if this was an intentional change?

  11. KB-00779 - Designing Landscaping in Front of a Photograph


    If you haven't downloaded the Core Catalogs yet, there might not be anything in your Library Browser for the Plant Chooser to search.  Select the Library menu and click on "Install Core Content." 

    Or, maybe you are being too specific with the items you are choosing in the Plant Chooser or are just searching for items that aren't offered, in which case, maybe you want to bring in your own plant images.

    KB-00883 - Importing Plant Images

    • Upvote 1
  12. You're kind of all over the place and the thread is difficult to follow, but I am going to make an attempt.

    I don't think having "round" objects would affect what you're talking about at all. I do remember on the old forum that there was an issue with a round sink symbol making plans be slow, if that's what you're thinking about, but as I recall, they fixed the 2D CAD Block associated with it.

    If a box is unchecking itself from the default in the Room Specification dialog, it means that there is conflicting information being entered somewhere so it can't use that value.  Maybe from the Floor above/below of the room you are working with?

    If the software says you have a deck room, you have a room set as a Deck, but perhaps you've renamed the room name to something else that is displayed in the floor plan view.

  13. The "Edit Object Parts" following your mouse cursor around indicates that have that tool active.  It's purpose is to only be able to select individual lines in a polyline, so you need to turn if off.  Under your Edit menu, go to "Edit Behaviors" and uncheck "Edit Object Parts."

    • Upvote 2
  14. It looks like it did change with the 2015 version.  Only one activation for all Home Designer programs (not just Pro) but you can manage it using your Digital Locker now which is great.