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Posts posted by katalyst777

  1. Only the Premier version of the software allows you to edit what Temporary Dimensions locate.  None of the Home Designer programs do (something I was kind of hoping would be added in the new version but I double checked the Pro 2016 trial and it still doesn't). 

    So, you'll need to draw in manual dimensions instead and use those to locate the walls and precisely position them.

  2. I have a Mac Pro as well as a Windows 8 laptop.  The only real difference that I've noticed is the location of "Preferences."

    Download and import whatever catalogs you want from the website.  You'll only be able to update them with an internet connection, but just using them if they are already loaded on your computer doesn't require you connect.

    Depending on the quality of renders you want, you may actually want to check out the Premier X7 software which has ray tracing capability.  Probably best to contact the company's Sales folks directly for differences between the versions and to figure out what would best suit your needs.

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  3. Trying to move all the walls/windows/doors/roof planes/other objects etc is not recommended and you can get some pretty undesirable results doing that (wall or roof connection issues causing random things shooting out in to space is the most common).

    It is much easier (and recommended) to just adjust the terrain/lot boundary instead (and throw in a North pointer for clarification if needed).

  4. I was hoping for placing multiple templates in the New Plan diag for different period & style homes I often work on

    Chief Architect Premier has the ability to do Plan Databases like what you want to create, so Home Designer is intentionally limited in this capacity.  Personally, I wouldn't mess with the template files to get things to show up in dialog (sounds risky).

  5. If I recall correctly, the ability to turn off automatic cabinet fillers is only offered in the Premier version of the software.  (I don't have the trial installed anymore to double check, but it definitely isn't available in Pro.)

    You might be able to use the "Open Front" box shape from the Library Browser for the cabinet instead, and place cabinet doors/drawers as independent objects to fake the look for 3D views though.

  6. The Lintel is probably related to the plan style template that you started with, and you probably can't remove it in Suite. 

    Looking at the pictures for the template styles, it looks like it could be Today's Traditional, Colonial, or Arts & Crafts. 

    You can start a new plan using the default or another template style which doesn't have it set.

  7. You might have to copy/paste the windows in to the interior wall or place a pass-through, depending on the look you're trying to achieve. 

    Chief Premier has double wall options to handle doors/windows for this kind of scenario, but none of the Home Designer programs do.

  8. My wife got me Home Designer Suite 2015 for Christmas.  We are planning a major addition/remodel of our 1920s bungalow.


    I love the program/edition we purchased, but am strongly considering upgrading to Pro 2015 due to the ability to do custom framing and some other things that Suite is just limiting me on.  I like the idea of being able to cut out the architect except for final approval (i.e. print my own plans for permits and contractor bids, etc).  The ability to do all of that seems very limited in Suite.


    BUT I just looked at the comparison PDF for Pro 2015 vs Premier and it's saying that you cannot do custom roofs that have exposed rafters with Pro?  Exposed rafters is a very common craftsman design element, so it is fairly important to our plans.


    I was very confused because the sample image on the product page on the website for the Pro 2015 version specifically shows a bungalow style home with exposed rafters.  I saw that image and thought hey, they must be showing me a picture of plans that were created using the software they're describing, right?  But then I see that PDF chart and now I don't know.  Can someone confirm?


    My other craftsman style item that I'd like to include is tapered porch columns (again, typical craftsman style).  Anyone know if Pro 2015 can do those?

    Ordinarily you'll want to start your own thread, rather than replying to an existing one. 

    I agree with Mick to check out the trial versions, or contact the company's Sales department directly, since most of us here on the user forum have only had one version of Home Designer and aren't really the best to ask about comparisons.


  9. I am aware that a single countertop can be used, but find the warning annoying enough to justify avoiding it completely by using two.  :)

    And of course, if you upgrade to Chief Premier, there's an actual tool for countertop holes.