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Posts posted by katalyst777

  1. Looks like you accidentally posted in the Sales questions area.  Not sure how many people check it, so you may want to move the post to the Q&A.

    Are the plants/columns/etc actual 3D symbols, or just 2D images that rotate when the camera is moved?

  2. I strongly disagree with David that the plan is "corrupt."

    If I had to guess based on your images, I'd say you probably monkey'd with your Wall Types in that particular plan and are changing the wrong thing.

    Attach the plan and we can tell you for sure.

    • Upvote 6
  3. Hard to tell based on your description alone what you might be missing/adding.  Could you attach a screenshot of what it is you are getting, and a photo similar to what you are trying to create?

    The wall on the floor above is likely an Attic wall, automatically generated over a gable.  You can turn off their display if you find it distracting to see in your floor plan, but they're important to fill in gaps below roof planes in 3D views.


    • Upvote 1
  4. Start with the User Guide to get a pretty good grasp of how the tools/features work, then use the search in the program's Help as well as the training videos and website articles for specific terms if you come up against something you don't know how to do. 


    If you run in to something particularly tricky you aren't sure how to do after checking everything else, post here with a photo of what you want, as opposed to what you see in the software (and sometimes posting the plan too can be helpful).

  5. That actually doesn't sound unreasonable, they have a separate Support Center from this forum for a reason so asking for the information makes sense.  As for no longer sending e-mails, I can't speak to that because I always just sign in to check a reply.  I don't usually wait for email notification because I am pretty sure my e-mail filters out most automated messages like that.

    • Upvote 1
  6. I think the Premier version has an actual Revision Cloud tool (it's been a while since I looked at the trial version), but Mick's suggestion should work out just fine in the Home Designer versions.

  7. As far as I know, the content that used to be available all still is, but much of it has been reorganized/renamed in the newer versions, and some stuff that used to be installed by default got moved around in to Bonus catalogs. 

    For 2015 software, the "Bicycle" symbol is in the "Vehicles" bonus download in the "Specialty/Other/Misc" section.

    • Upvote 1
  8. Thanks again for trying to help me, folks. I agree with Mick's comment on the CA forum that this must be a bug that needs fixing. However, Support have ignored my ticket. It's 11 days now since I submitted it so they either haven't seen it or think that it's not worth responding to. Maybe at some stage in the distant future the ticket will be flagged as not responded to. Or maybe pigs will fly first. :angry: In the meantime I've resorted to a bog-standard, boring staircase made of timber and common-or-garden newels and stuff.

    I've never gone more than two business days without receiving a reply from Support.  I don't think they do e-mail.  Did you make sure to send it in to their Support Center?

  9. This question seems to come up a lot.

    Pony Walls, which is what you are looking for, aren't in Suite.

    You'd have to upgrade to get them, but you can try to "fake" the effect using a Closed box geometric shape placed from the Library Browser, resized to be thin, the height you want from the terrain, and placed against the wall itself with the stone material you want.

    • Upvote 1
  10. Structures don't mysteriously appear, so my guess is you're either reusing a file that already had something else you drew in the past, or you just created the structure on a different floor. 


    What does the Status Bar say is your active floor?  Can you go Up/Down and use Fill Window to see the walls on the other floors?

    • Upvote 1