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  1. Does anyone have suggestions on finding architects, preferrably in the Massachusetts area, that use CA for plan development? Most seem to use AutoCAD and I've had no luck converting .plan files to usable .dwg files. Thanks
  2. Is there an option to change the base kitchen cabinets from the standard one drawer on top and one cabinet on bottom? I want to specify a four drawer base cabinet, a three draw with unequal size drawers and one with no drawers just a door. Thanks
  3. I had some help me with a file and now have a fireplace chimney that is not selectable/moveable. Any ideas on how I can select this object? Thanks
  4. I've add two stair landings to exits from the house. However, each one is too high by about 4-6" so instead of being below the respective door they are above the door. When I select the object, I can move it in the x-y plane but can't seem to move it down - it's locked at the wrong height. Is there some settings I need to modify to get the stair landings lower? Thanks
  5. I have a graphics card with 4GB and high thoughput and also have this issue where HD Pro "pauses" for 30 seconds or so when you scroll/pan etc. There's definitely a performance issue with the software.
  6. From my experience with the terrain tools, HD tries to calculate what the remaining elevations are based on the terrain data you enter so you can get very strange results. There's a few you tube examples I'd suggest looking at for help. It's not as similar though as carving out an area - I'm having a similar challenge with a walk-out basement area
  7. I haven't figured this out even after using this software for months. I'd like all dialogue boxes to display measurements in feet and inches rather than inches. I can't do the conversion in my head and am constantly using a side calculator to figure if 196" is 16' 4", etc. Hopefully this is an easy menu item/default someplace in the myriad of options and menu items. Thanks
  8. I'm redoing a design from scratch and want to get seasoned user opinions on the best order of entering a new design. I had a ton of trouble on the first go through with terrain so I'm thinking of starting with that. Also, on my first design, all of the outdoor items (AC units, etc.) where part of the second floor plan which was obviously weird. The house is on a flat lot but we are planning a forced walk-out with several tiers (see attached).
  9. Mark, How do you find HD Pro compared to Skechup for house designs?
  10. That's not a great solution. If I move a wall in the future the foundation won't line up with it. Is there a way to just specificy no foundation under a specific wall area?
  11. If I add three walls it will auto add the foundation and then the walls will be 2 stories. I want a box out. Can you provide more specific directions on how to just do a box out without a second floor above and foundation? Thanks
  12. I created a box window for the kitchen windows and want it to include 3 double hung windows rather than the default 2 flat windows. Can this be done? I tried pasting in a window and get an error message "Unable to paste "window". Window must be placed in containing object." I'm also getting these weird extensions above the window going up into the second floor. How can I get rid of these?
  13. Specifically, you login in to your account at: Then there's a Digital Locker near the bottom under Available Services. Click "Manage Your Activate Licenses". Then you deactivate the current computer and then can activate another one. A bit tedious but it works.
  14. It looks like maybe an inch is appropriate for the skirtboard which is PVC to extend over the foundation(see photo). How can I control these dimensions or find them in HD Pro? Also, how do I add a PVC skirtboard?
  15. It looks like the siding is extending a few inches over the foundation. I have the windows flush to the top of the foundation but the sidings overhangs the windows.