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  1. Robborito

    How do I ?

    Maybe a 4" brush y-g-m-n....for the fiddly bits.... As for the original question by BACLLC .... try reading the reference manual and extrapolate a little for best results. Last time I tried...Walls could be manipulated in elevation to various shapes other than a rectilinear format. You have HDPro, I reckon it might be worth a try.
  2. Why DXF and not DWG ? (Curiously I ask) I have used DWG files for the sort of base map or plan reference in HDPro for all sorts of modeling. 2D 'dumb' info as a vector plan can be tedious but eventually works ok if you have the patience for attention to placement detail of HDPro 3D BIM objects like cpbds etc.. If we could lock a plan layer in place to retain its position whilst working - this would be great. Like Mr Potter comments - better in CA Premier. (which I don't have) Better point to point mouse functions and object snap in CA also. Cheers.
  3. Mayber turn on the wall and floor frame layers? It's a suggestion Jeff.
  4. In plan view you can move the camera closer to the target- or move the target closer to the camera; In the full camera specification change the field of view angle setting to something akin to slr camera angle (35-60); That's my suggestions. Works for my views. Jeff
  5. What are you asking - commercial signs - signs in a commercial setting? What's the issue here - I don't understand so far. I don't think its the use of text being asked - more a custom signage matter thats modelled? There are signs you can edit in the library's downloads - for a price - I have used them on a couple of projects.. Take a look at them.
  6. You select 'Wall Elevation' and you get just the wall in scope of the view; This is not a regular elevation of outside aspects but just internally where placed and pointed to for direction. I use it frequently. Are you with me? The Section/Elevation tool is the same tool - it just depends on where you place it on plan to give a section or an elevation. Sectional Elevations are possible also. And of course, then there is the Section Slider tool. Jeff.
  7. I managed to adjust the scale of linework to my satisfaction -but in the end found that the line scale was better left as it default s too and just change the line thickness in plan before its sent to layout. I rarely print from plan as setting up a layout is so streamlined. (Once you tweek the linework thicknesses. (Usually export from camera views regularly.) I would re check the scale and linework brought in from plan to layout as priorities - for me this works. I have only saved as a pdf from layout and all linework reflects the layout values. (so far) Never tried nor contemplated doing same from within a plan - is it possible? Check the Reference Manual....maybe. Jeff
  8. Any chance you might post your plan model or site plan and elevations layout to see what's happening with your info etc. Cheers.
  9. We used to have a feature called 'Print Plan' which I used a lot - however it was removed at version 2019 - if I recall; It was awesome - mapped out fold together and glue profiles of a design that you could stick together and voila! Everything a 3D printer does but better imo. I posted comment to CA making for its return - but it is something that they, CA, do knowing where the software is heading. I can offer this post of mine in 2021on an alternative method used after the demise of 'Print Plan'. It takes a bit of shuffling but it works ok. Happy modelling RossID. Jeff.
  10. Because my hard copy plans are on white paper - I have used fill patches in solid white to screen areas, both in layout and plan, that I couldn't turn of in layers; Have the polyline colour of the fill same colour to hide it, shape it to suit. There is a layer Walls, foundation on floor 0 - which is perimeter walls..... Food for thought there.
  11. My walkthroughs are planned from start to finish so that there is continuity from start to finish- no need to have several clips that are joined. I dont think HDPro has video editing of the sort you seek. But, you could have walkthrough segments linked and the footage might jump from end of one to the start of another I guess? See whoever else has to say - some users are gurus on this subject I have noticed.
  12. Indeed it should. Universally speaking, as I am in Australia and not the US. But you are correct. It depends on how you placed the gate. I would insert the gate like a door is inserted. That would show the jambs that are missing. See whoever else comments closer to home for you.
  13. Hi - you might be better posting in the 'seeking services' forum? Good luck.
  14. Well on the occasion, I have put my notes on the saved detail scaled window in the layout. You can set your print style calculator character height in saved text styles in the default settings....