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  1. What cinched the deal for me is the raytrace feature.
  2. I have just gotten a refund. This is just not worth the frustration. I have priced new modems and would have to spend at least $500 on a no frills modem.
  3. I got the same response. Also, no change. I was also advised by tech to minimize ambient occlusion.
  4. This is the response I have gotten from tech support: Thank you for the additional information. I took a look at your plan file in version 2019 but was unable to reproduce any problems that you describe - the lighting and shadows look correct without making any adjustments to the ambient light. Your Message Log file indicates that your computer has an AMD Radeon HD 7660D graphics card, though, and my thought is that this may be the cause of the problem. This is an older graphics card that is no longer supported by AMD, and although you do have the latest drivers, they are over 2 1/2 years old. AMD does offer a 'beta' driver dated 2/29/2016, so you might consider downloading and installing it: 10 - 64 If this doesn't help, though, I'm afraid that your graphics card isn't going to be able to handle the updated lighting in version 2019. I hope that this information is helpful. So, this is the response I got from tech support. Before I purchase a new graphics card, I want to see if how many others are having after upgrading to Pro 2019. David, based on your candid response and what I am getting from tech support, I am very interested to see what happens over the coming weeks.
  5. David, Thank you for your response. I think i'll continue to use Pro 2018 for a while until Pro 2019 has its kinks worked out. I am confident that Chief Architect's Home Designer is the best software available to the DIYer like myself. Al Rosendale
  6. I was requested to provide screen shots by Anne Smith, the tech assigned to my case. She also had me provide her with message logs, the plan file. Right now all I can really say is that there seems to be no Pro 2019 feature specific help documentation. I too have used Designer Pro through several version upgrades. All, except this one have been improvements. The enhanced lighting feature seems to a part of the issue. Also by disabling enhanced lighting, I get a rendering very similar to that of Pro 2018, except there is still no shadowing, nor are there any reflections. The Pro 2019 renderings are very dark when using the default ambient lighting setting. I have to turn up ambient light to maximum to get a rendering that is marginally usable. I am waiting on response from tech support.
  7. If this is the best they can do, I want my money back. I could not find any information in the help documentation specifically on Pro 2019 features. It would be interesting to see if we both get the same responses from technical support. Good luck!
  8. Yes. I have the same problem. I have submitted the issue to technical support.