Lowering deck level


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Just had a meeting with our contractor.  He suggested we drop our raised deck by 6" to leave a step-up to the threshold of the entry door.  I designed the new raised deck from the existing rooms.  But the entry door is part of an addition from 10 years ago and has less than 1/2" from the top of the steps to the threshold.  Our contractor says that needs to be corrected when we move the entry door to be under the covered raised deck. 


It is not critical to do this in the design because the contractor says he'll work it out.  But he thought it best we try it out to see if we like this or come up with another solution. Since there is a lot of framing, posts, and such under the deck, not sure the easiest and best way to do this since everything was autogenerated by HD when I added the deck.  


I'm using Home Designer Pro 2025.

Lowering Deck.zip

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Two things come to mind:

Please read the reference manual on how to create your signature so you don't have to write your program version each time. 

Learning to use your reference manual will save you time waiting for people to reply to your questions. If you understand how the program works and the tools built into it, you'll find things will make more sense. 

A hint for this issue is if you have auto rebuild on in the deck, look at the room structure tab. If your main floor is at "0", then setting the structure to "-6" will drop the deck down 6"

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