What is the update path for 2025...does it include an update to 2026?

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Typically the new versions come out each year in the late spring, April or May. They do not include a free update to the next version. There may be something where if you buy the program within so many days of the new year's release, you may get something. Best to ask the folks at Chief Architect directly about that. You can submit a question through the support center, as they don't always monitor the forums.

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Thanks for your reply Keith.
This from CA support (Rain):

"...we do have a two-week money-back guarantee that covers you if there's some sudden change. New versions come out every 12-18 months, and the last release was in June last year (2024)."

So no automatic upgrade to the license unless it was purchased within two weeks prior to the release of a new Version, then the money-back guarantee may be seen as an upgrade path.

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