can not figure this lighting/fog out


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attached some pictures so maybe someone can help me figure this out. pictures 1.x, there is a "light" in the ceiling I can not get rid of, how do I do so? cause at the moment I want the room dark. in 1.1 shows that there is no lights in the room, 1.2 showing there should be no sun at all. 


in pictures 2.x you can see a "fog" I can not get ride of, looked at videos read through the forums all the way back to July of last year and found nothing. in pic. 2.1 i moved the camera so you can see the "fog moves with the camera, or a hard line of the fog. pic. 2.2 turned the sun off and you can still see the "fog" line. if you look at the island about half way across you can see where to the left is it dark and about half way across you can see where the "for comes back into play. 


I am using Home Design Arch 2024, At the moment I do this as a hobby. so I can not afford or want to (just yet) upgrade to the premiere version, maybe  once I get arch. lic. possible. all pictures used Physically based render








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The light you're seeing is one that gets added to rooms that don't have any lights. The only way to get rid of it is to add a light to that room. I'd suggest going into Plan View and using the Add Light tool and then turning that light off. The Added Light won't show up in your 3D View (unlike an Electrical Light), and you'll be able to get a pitch black room in PBR.


I'm not really sure what could be causing the fog you're seeing. Have you tried messing with Camera settings like Bloom, or turning on/off Generated Sky?

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Not sure what you mean by "fog?" If you are talking about the area around the lights, maybe turn their lumens property down? Or post a picture with the area marked so it's easier to understand what you are talking about?

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