3 Door Panel Bifold Doors?


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I’m using Home Designer 2018.  I can’t for the life of me figure out how to create a 3 pane bifold door.  You can do a double or 4, but didn’t see anyway to do 3.  Even better would be a 3 pane bifold with 1 door as a kick out door 

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  • wolfeman changed the title to 3 Pane Bifold Doors?

Not sure I have ever seen one nor how it would work.

OR I do not understand what you mean by PANE?



To me pane is each door panel??

so 3 pane on each side would start with first pane pinned to door jamb area and swing out into room

Second panel would pin to the first panel end in room and go back to door jamb and pin to track on top as minimum


So then the Third would pin to this second panel @ the track and what happens to other end it would need to go into room but has nothing to support.

It would flop in the breeze so to speak.


GOt any manufacturer info on this type of door?

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It’s a Win-Dor 3750, 3 panels (doors).  It can fold flat or you can just open 1 single door instead of opening the whole thing up


it looks like this




Im wondering if you can create this in Home Designer 2018.  

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  • wolfeman changed the title to 3 Door Panel Bifold Doors?

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