3/4" Subfloor plywood doesn't show


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Thanks for the reply, for the subfloor it's not the I joist in question.

I don't see the 3/4" subfloor anywhere.


The I joist question was in my other question I submitted; there it isn't putting the correct framing for the roof.

I'm using 16" TJI's for the rafters but the program is only showing 2 X 10 lumper in the framing ortho and materials list.


I'm learning as I go here so I appreciate the help.

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  • 7 months later...

I randomly figured it out watching a training video for another topic. Go to the display options (the icon that looks like a piece of white paper with a red check mark on it) and look for Floor Surfaces. Make sure it is clicked on. It will add your subfloors (and concrete slabs as well if your on a slab) to your framing.  Hope this helps!

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