Why are my decks dissapearing in 3D??


Go to solution Solved by Rookie65,

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Ok, this is driving me crazy. I don't know enogh about every little detail of the software, but i'm sure theres some simple setting i have wrong.


I have tried creating this deck (with no railing) multiple times. I've even started a new file and recreated the house, just in case I did something different. But every time I add the deck it starts acting goofy. It doesn't show the deck in 3D view, but alters the image (see pic). I also included the pic of the deck built in the plan view. I can click on it and edit it. Everything ele seems normal, any hints would be good.

 On the 1st few attempts it would generate the deck in 3D, but if I went to move a deck wall, it would move in the plan, but not in the 3D view, however i could see sometimes where it would alter the wall lines at floor level in the 3D view (like it knows i've changed something but wont generate it fully? 

The images attached are from when I created a new file, built the house, then added the deck. The deck wasn right so I started moving walls, it started acting goofy, so I delected the whole deck and tried again. The image below is of what the 3D renderign looks like when i tried to add a new deck. It just changed the wall color and doesnt show up.


I have not had this problem before, and I've done multiple decks, additions, etc. 


no deck plan view.jpg

no deck.jpg

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  • Solution

What version of the software are you using? Have you gone to the room drop down box under "deck" and checked "automatically regenerate deck framing?" It seemed that in HD Pro 2023 and 2024 that decks developed this odd habit of losing framing with any change. It's very frustrating. Another option is to check the "keep framing after deleting deck" under the same tab. With that checked, I would often find that the decking boards would remain, and each one had to be deleted manually. Another nuisance with the changes that were made to decks over the last couple of years.Last thing would be to check that all of the deck framing items are turned on to display in the current camera view. As each camera view type allows you to pick what you want and don't want to display

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