Digital Brand Catalogs - Advocating for your favorite brands.


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Are there specific brand catalogs that you would like to us in your Home Designer software, but aren't available from the 3D Library? Although there are some feature limitations that prevent access to all brand types (like cabinets, for example), Appliance, Fixture, Surfaces, Furniture, and many other types of objects can be made for your software to represent brand products you would like to specify in real life.


Be a catalog brand advocate! Your voice is more powerful than you might think. 


This blog post covers some ways to represent brands that aren't currently available as Chief compatible catalogs. You'll also find messaging to help draw attention to the available brand partner opportunities in catalog development.


When you reach out to your favorite brands on Social Media, make sure you tag @ChiefArchitect. This will notify us as well so we can join the conversation!

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