More sample plans


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Is there any place to find more sample plans? I'm specifically wondering about plans for basic 1970s split-entry homes. 


I'm asking because I'm looking to draw up possible additions for a split entry, and it'd be huge time saver to start with an existing plan, and add to it. My plan is more about drawing up the addition, so if the house isn't an exact match, it's OK. 



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  • 3 weeks later...

For what it's worth, you could probably draw a split level yourself that you want to use as a base in the time it will take to find out if there are samples available. If you just want to try out additions, keep the main house you draw as a plan with no additions. Then draw addition versions from there and save each one separately. Plus it's a good way to learn about some of the new features. Don't even need full rooms inside. Draw a box, split the heights with a stairway, put in some exterior doors, windows, maybe a deck and off you go!

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