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Posts posted by scottharris

  1. Kristine, it appears the alignment of your invisible wall for room definition is misaligned.  I would first try to align the invisible wall according to the image I posted (A or B).  Based on your 3D view, it appears one area has a ceiling the other does not.  It that case an invisible wall takes on the properties of a 4” interior wall to correctly generate the attic walls above.  Aligning the invisible wall to the other ‘visible’ wall is preferably done to the wall’s main layer (“A” in the diagram).  It could be that issue as been resolved in a newer version (the plan I attached is Home Designer Pro 2023). 


    Hope this helps!





  2. Kristine - if you manually lower the walls they could be cutting your ceiling platform.  You might replace those walls with "half walls".  Half walls are railings, you can set the height and they won't cut the ceiling.

  3. Heather, welcome to home talk!  Looks like you have several questions here.  It might be helpful to isolate some of those separately; and if you post your plan, others can take a look.


    On your door/window question, frequently if you cannot move those, it may be bumping a ceiling or floor platform or even another wall.  You can override bumping/snapping by holding down the control key and then moving the object with your mouse.


  4. Jonny,  welcome to the forum!  Here are the steps I would use:

    1.       Open both files

    2.       In the as-built file with your house

    • a.       use the tool Edit Area (All Floors), drawing a marque around the outer edges of the as-built, then
    • b.       use the copy tool in the lower edit menu

    3.       in the terrain file

    • a.       be sure to have all your floor levels created – foundation, second, etc. – and they are empty (no walls, etc)
    • b.       set the floor heights to the same as your as-built – e.g., 8’, 10’ ceilings
    • c.       use the paste tool and then move the as-built around on your terrain
    • d.       it’s best to move the house and not the terrain

    Hope this helps!

    2023-01-02 06_05_49-Home Designer Pro 2023.png

  5. You can use a fence symbol, place it, and then rotate.  This is how the scene below was created in Chief Architect.  You should find a fence symbol in the Home Designer library.


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