I imported my stuff from Auto CAD from a civil engineer. The imported information ended up on the CAD Default layer. Searched the UI then the Web for about two hours. I found web sites referring to Home Designers Pro ability move things to another layer using several methods. Some of the features didn't even exist. The descriptions for the ones that did not allow layer creation. I'm finding HDPro utterly a royal pain in my rear. Layer support is basic functionality. Used for organization that allows one set of objects to stay away from other objects. I have some 100+ layers in a blank drawing so originally I literally guessed where it ended up. The UI is about the messiest unorganized pile I have ever seen on Mac, Windows or Linux.
I have a terrain layer. I want to create a layer for the road from the Civil Eng. (Road CE)r. Import it, rotate it (with precision). Correctly place it on the terrain (again with precision). Trace over it to create a HD Pro 'road'. This official road, of course, would be on the actual Road layer. Turn off the Road CE layer and do the same with drawings from the Architect. I don't see support for grouped objects (all the vids talk about grouping as a set of selected objects not a permanent group) so if everything ends up on the same layer then it will be impossible to adjust anything as all drawings will be on the same layer. it will be impossible to select the architects detail and not select the civil engineers data. I'm finding HDPro's precision to be horrible considering what this application is used for.
Sorry spent a bit to long on the soap box but it has been frustrating after spending so much for a poorly designed application.