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  1. Evolution

    Eye brow

    (How are you creating the eyebrow roof?)<br /><br />I am using the automatic roof tool for now, building a small bumped out room with invisible walls set the horizontal wall as full gable, in order to get the roof to bump out over the area where the windows will be.
  2. Evolution

    Eye brow

    I want eye brow roof over hang on windows that do not build out but actually continue the wall line, if that makes sense. I used invisible walls to form an imaginary room, made the horizontal wall full gable. It looks good except for the floor shows. I attempted no locate, no room default etc. I figure I have to open the dbx of the invisible walls and check/uncheck something to make the floor and foundation go away, but I don't find anything when I attempt to open the space/imaginary room?
  3. Which plan template would the forum members recommend that would work with this basic concept?
  4. The title of your soft ware (i.e. Essentials, Architectural, Pro 2010-2012-2015)?
  5. Mick, I think you'll find, the only way to get a door, window or other penetration to show properly is to define it as Solver did in his original post, but as you both found out, doing it that way will only allow the wall selected as the "main" layer to show up in the framing over view. Hopefully the tech guys will give us a better fix. I have done a couple of projects recently where I needed a chase wall similar to solvers, and it drove me crazy trying to get walls to connect properly, framing to show as designed and so on.
  6. Sounds like you may have drawn a wall inside a wall, or in other words if you open the wall dbx it should look somewhat like the screen capture I've included. If you drew an interior (nom 4" wall ) inside the perimeter of the exterior wall and show it as two separate distinct walls, the window will not show properly as you've described. If the wall dbx doesn't offer the exact specific wall type you are looking for, you may have to make a special wall type and define it's parts if Suite 2014 will allow it.
  7. Evolution

    timber stairs ?

    Do you know how to place the stair? Try these first: www.homedesignersoftware.com/support/article/KB-00870/ )( www.homedesignersoftware.com/support/article/KB-00946/ You can open the stair DBX once you've placed it, and make some changes to the treads etc., but not sure if this answers all your questions?
  8. Keith, I would suggest you select one of the light shafts walls, open the dbx and take a look at the wall angle and also the wall length in the same dbx. You can make adjustments there that may do what you need as far as wall angle and exact length. Of course this is MY best guess. I used this approach on the plan in the snip to insure all the walls were the same length and correct angle. A little slower I suppose but for me, more accurate.
  9. I am in NO WAYS the xpert that DJP is. What I have done in the past faced a similar need, was to go to the foundation plan, and draw invisible walls in line with where the deck would be, this creates the space within which to place the piers. See if that works for you.
  10. Some of the answer you request will require the forum members to know what version of soft ware you are using. I am not sure based on that answer if there is anything you can use in the library, but you probably could use a shape, custom slab, other CAD drawing tools; etc., to achieve what you show in the attached details.
  11. This forum is basically for users of Home Designer series software. There is a forum for Chief Users, and most likely you might get an answer there also.
  12. Evolution


    Try: https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model.html?id=d7d4e3cf638093628ece235f2d42528
  13. Suites limit is 3 floors. Architectural and Pro 2015 are 5 floors.
  14. Evolution

    Shear Walls

    ( I guess I'd just break apart my outer walls in order to use a hatch mark fill on the shear wall sections?) use the break-wall tool, set breaks at the point where the SW will be, then select that wall section and in the wall dbx>define>select fill for that section and that should delineate the SW from the typical walls. Doesn't your jurisdiction require engineer stamped drawings for those anyway? IF so, you might want to add a note to refer to the specific dwgs/details.