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Posts posted by Plainwacky

  1. Hello - a while back, I asked this question but at the time, I wasn't that familiar with the program and wasn't at a point where the information was needed, and back then, I still couldn't figure it out.

    When I first started using Home Designer (I now have Pro 2020), I just started right in after watching a few videos. I started with the foundation, walls, rooms, etc. I didn't start off defining the property lines. 

    Later, I created the terrain and using the civil engineering drawing information, I entered in the GPS information and the property dimensions showed up...all looks good. But when I import the DWG file (or the DXF), the property shows up, but it's not where the property outline is in Home Designer. 

    If you look at the first enclosed photo, the property outline in BLUE is the drawing I have in Home Designer, and RED is what the DWG imported. For emphasis, I outlined the property lines in RED. 

    I don't understand why there isn't an option to change the origin of the imported DWG or the ability to rotate it in the "import DWG" utility. 

    I also tried to "lock" every parameter in the layers menu, and then select "edit area" and rotated that, but the house also rotates along with everything else...don't want that. 

    Anyone know of a way I can line the property in RED to the same orientation I have in Home Designer in BLUE?

    DWG orientation.jpg

    import DWG.jpg

  2. Hey Eric....I understand your perspective, however, on the flip side, my plan is pretty much done, and now I'm just trying to learn how things are done, and also how to do things in the program...and one of the reasons I am looking for an architect. 
    I'll check out the link....thanks!


  3. Thanks Eric! That worked!!!
    I actually checked the "open underneath" and as soon as I did, the wall disappeared in staircase shown in the menu just like what your video showed. Thinking that I didn't want the wall to disappear, I unchecked it. However, this time I did what you said, and again checked "open underneath", but when I looked at it in camera mode, the wall was still there, and now I can see the full depth of my cabinet!

    Since I have your attention, I have a couple of questions I'd like to run by you, if you don't mind...Can you tell me if the handrail going up the stairs, typically ends on the ceiling above (as shown in the second photo, or should the railing be more inward and go past the landing? 

    And in the third photo, is this 3ft 6" a reasonable distance between the wall and the counter in the bathroom?

    And lastly...I find strange, is that the plan used to show the toiled under the stairs, and now I don't see it unless I hit return to select near by objects. It disappeared when I redid the upper stairs going to the second floor. (having nothing to do what we just did). I can only see the toilet if I click on the stairs, then press "return" to select near-by objects, and it shows up...otherwise one wouldn't know it was there just looking at the plan. 

    cabinet in wall.jpg


    bathroom wall distance.jpg

    toilet under stairs.jpg

  4. Hi...
    I am trying to put a cabinet under the landing of a staircase and this is what I did...
    From the menu under windows, I installed a "pass-through" in the wall, and inserted the cabinet with the right size/height into that opening. All looks good from outside, but when I open up the cabinet, the inside of the cabinet (and shelves) are only as deep as the wall itself, even though I made the cabinet 30" deep. I have played with the various options, but none of them show the full depth of the cabinet. Anyone know how to do this? 
    I have enclosed a snippet of the floor plan and the cabinet. 


  5. Hello -

    I have a floor plan and I'm looking for someone that has a lot of experience and creative genius to design a roof. This isn't some easy/simple layout. 
    The second photo is the roof design of a very similar floor plan. 
    I have various roof designs that I'm willing to share, but I'm looking for some fresh ideas.

    If you have experience with roof designs, please let me know how much you charge/hr. 

    My design (3).JPG

    site plan reversed.jpg

  6. Hi...I think I did things backwards and I hope someone can help me. 
    When I got Home Designer a couple of years ago, I just jumped right into not knowing there were so many online tutorials online, or even this forum. I laid out my foundation, designed the floor plan, and everything is coming out better than I thought! I loved this program. Certainly a learn by doing experience, that's for sure.

    Recently, I obtained the CAD Files (DWG and DXF) of my property that was done by an engineering company who did a survey for another project that fell through. 
    I imported the CAD files, and I was blown away by it showing the elevations, location of fencing, trees, etc...pretty cool. But now the problem is that my house isn't orientated in the right location in relationship to the imported CAD information. There is even a part of the house that is "buried" into a sloped hillside. 
    I can't rotate the house, so somehow I'd like to rotate and move the CAD information...but that was imported with the survey/GPS not sure how I can change this. 
    Any suggestions?

  7. I have Home Designer Pro 2020...and some of the features shown in the first video, I don't have. 

    I did "play" with importing the DWG file and selected a few variables that I thought might contain elevation data...and these windows popped-up. 
    Also, the only selection is "Elevation".




    CAD BLOCK cannot be created.JPG

  8. Dave...ya kind of talking Greek or should I say Geek to me. :)

    I no nothing about CAD, Block, or the like. I'm learning as I go. 

    I believe I have the house plans and terrain (perimeter) very close to where I'd like it, but now that I can see the elevation, I have the house too far up the hill. I need to move it closer to the large garage. But it seems to me, once the data is imported, when I move the house, everything is going to move...including the elevation data, which I can't see anyway. 
    Is there a way to tell if the elevation data is in the imported files? Are they in some text format?  

  9. Please bear with me, as I'll be the first to admit I'm no pro at this. I have never designed a house or used a program like this. 

    I need some help not with importing the either the DWG or DXF files, but in aligning it up to the property terrain/outline I created when I started to design my house. 

    Here's the story....what I did was create the property outline and started in on designing my house which I have been working on and off for past year. It wasn't until recently that I obtained the DWG and DXF files from a surveyor that did the property several years ago. When I import either the DWG or DXF files, my property and house are not where they should be in relation to the imported CAD files (which in indicate in the first photo). I don't understand why they aren't lining up as I obtained the data to draw the perimeter of the terrain from a surveyor's map , and also I'm not seeing any elevation contours (see last photo).

    I managed to move the imported DWG information in relation to my drawing which can be done when it's first imported...but what a pain. I spent at lease 45-minutes trying to get the property lines matched up...and then when you click anywhere in the drawing, I can no longer move just the imported DWG layout. 

    Here are my questions...

    What is the difference in DWG and DXF files? (I have enclosed both). Can the data be view in a text format?
    Is there a way to easily align the DWG information to my drawing?
    Why isn't my elevation data showing up?
    I noticed that my terrain and house are "floating" in the last this normal? 

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.



    DWG imported file.JPG

    DWG imported file2.JPG

    DWG imported file3.JPG



  10. Quote


    I agree. In regards to the stem wall in the garage....leave it to Google! Funny that the person asked the same question and another person said they had the same question. Makes perfect sense. 
    The stem wall usually is used to keep water [washing/cleaning] from going under the walls bottom plate. You can have your conc. contractor form this with the slab pour if you choose. I personally like the stem wall. Some areas form on slab and some on stems depending on soil and freezing conditions.

  11. Thanks Bill! I have done the same thing...searched online to get info, but I'm not sure I trust some of the things I read; I figured the people here would know. I belong to a specific classic car forum and you can ask anything you want, and those guys have been so helpful. A few of them are old timers that actually built the cars in the 50's and it's interesting to hear what they did. I think I asked 1,000 questions...and because of the help I got, I have about 10 trophies and have only been showing the car in the past 2 years. Nothing like getting info from people that actually know their stuff! I just assumed it was the same here, were you can ask away, but I get it. 

  12. Quote


    While playing with the foundation, is the stem wall supposed to be exposed like this? I believe the stem wall is supposed to be expose somewhat so that termites can be seen and makes it just more difficult for them to get to the wood. If this is true, how much of the stem wall should be exposed?
    I don't know what is going to be required in my case (crawl space or slab)….so, I'm assuming if it is a crawl space, that would have to be dug out if you wanted a 3ft crawl space and not have the whole house 3ft above the ground. When they put in a slab, is the cement poured on top of the ground or do they dig the dirt out for that also?


  13. Quote

    To answer your question: Concord, CA. All I see are new construction around the area. I went out and looked at these new buildings and see they are running tension wires inside the slab. Apparently they tighten them up when the cement is poured. 
    I didn't know pipes run under the slab then up. A couple of people I know have had them break and what a drag to fix it. Ripping up the whole floor.

    Is one more suitable when it comes to ground movement? 


  14. WOW!!! Thank you for making that video for me! Not very many people would go out of their way like this. 

    I didn't realize that was made specially for me, until I heard you say; "you said you want 36" crawl space"...then I looked at the date of the video. 

    That really explained things to me; This "floor below" really was confusing to me when there is no floor below. I also found it confusing when changing parameters and other things change, but I'm sure it's done to reflect your changes...I'll have to play with it.

    A little off the topic...You mentioned that you typically use/build slab floors, what are the advantage/disadvantages between a crawl and slab? My property is at the base of surrounding hillsides and there can be times when the ground is really wet from drainage from the hillsides. My concern is if I build a crawl space, it might grow mushrooms...or mold. My concern in building a slab, is pipes breaking and ease of access. 

  15. I'm not a builder but I am an engineer (electronics) and I have some building experience (put on an addition myself, built my own pool, redid bathrooms, kitchen), but I'm certainly no contractor. My idea of plans is some scribbling on paper so this program is just freaking amazing to me.  
    I agree with your assessment in that it's a great way to communicate your ideas to a it allows a person to easily look at different ideas.

    I'm not only having to learn the program, but also about building/construction..which I really enjoy both. It's just frustrating when I don't know the program and a lot about construction.