I have Home Designer Pro 2021 and my computer is a Mac mini. Lately my program has been freezing sometimes. It caused my to lose an hours worth or work once. I was hoping it had autosaved, but I guess I had not saved it yet, so it didn't. Anyway, It's done that a couple more times since then. I do save right away now, just in case that happens again, so it wasn't as big of a deal, but still frustrating. Also, this morning when I drag a wall elevation over to my other screen so I can see what it looks like, my cross hairs disappear. I check the preferences and the "Enable crosshairs" button is checked on. I can get it back on by unchecking and rechecking, but, again, frustrating. It hasn't done that before either. I did just try to update my program and it said it is up to date. Any suggestions?