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Everything posted by Trueburton

  1. Correct, that is what I meant by "as it should" The insulation will be backfilled and exposed only in a few areas where it will getting a veneer protective covering.
  2. I am trying to add 2-4" of rigid insulation to the exterior side of the foundation.I have created a new wall type. In the wall types dialog I can get it to dimension to the concrete layer but not build to concrete layer. How do I get it to build to the concrete layer so my framing on the floor above lines up as it should? For some reason its not allowing me to upload my plan file. Will try again if you need it. Thanks
  3. Exterior dimensions to sheathing and interior dimensions to the stud? I found a misaligned wall, fixed that part thanks.
  4. I am doing some final dimensions on this plan and I noticed that there is a 3/4" difference from the 1st floor to the basement walls. I assume it is measuring to a different layer since there are foundation walls in the basement and not on the 1st floor. When the software says it dimension to "main layer", is that refering to the sheeting/OSB?
  5. I have an angled wall that is not showing up properly in camera view. please help. Thanks
  6. Im not worried about the terrain at this point. The bump out in the front is not giving me any issues. Its the rear elevation that I posted about that I am trying to fix. I did the pony wall in order to do the step foundation but maybe that is not the best use for this situation?
  7. Trueburton

    Energy heel

    Well now i feel dumb. I swear I checked that before asking the question. Thanks again Eric!
  8. Trueburton

    Energy heel

    Im trying to build a 12" energy heel into my trusses and it all was good until I noticed in my cross section that it is making the wall go all the way up to the bottom of the top chord. I would like it to have the trusses bottom chord bear on the double top plate which is the norm. Grit_13.plan
  9. I figured it out. I had created "box based" lines in CAD. These can not be broken. I had to redraw the "box based" as "poly-line based"
  10. I tried that too. doesn't work
  11. I am trying to complete my detailed cross section but the break line feature isn't working. What am I doing wrong. Thanks!
  12. sorry, I geuss I'm not understanding where the saved camera goes after it is saved? Does it just save it within the plan file? It doesnt create a new file to save
  13. ok so i got it to show the wall framing members. But can I save this image so I can edit it and add labels without affecting the plan file?
  14. yes back clipped cross section. Also I cant get the "save active camera" to do anything. I click on the button and nothing happens
  15. I can get it to show floor framing but not the top and bottom plates of the walls. I checked all the boxes for framing sill plates
  16. I am not getting the framing shown in these cross sections I clicked on auto build framing but its not showing up? Am I doing something wrong?
  17. I had done a few searches before asking the question but did not find this article. This is exactly what I needed. Thanks!
  18. I am trying to draw a detailed cross section with labels and appropriate call outs for materials for this new home plan I am working on. I did a back clipped cross section to get started. I want to be able to add/edit items to create a fully detailed cross section without changing anything in the plan drawings. I'd like to crop the image of my back clip and then just edit it from there but I can't figure out how to do it. How is everyone else doing this?
  19. I am very close to completing this but I am still having a few small errors similar to what I had before. It seems like there are walls that are not at the same heights or something but I double checked and couldn't find the error. Also tried deleting the attic walls and selecting "balloon through ceiling", that did solve a few of the errors where it shows the double wall but It still wont get rid of that last wall by the rear slider. I have also tried deleting the entire wall where the errors are and rebuilding but nothing is fixing them. Thanks for the help Grit_13_auto_save.plan
  20. yes that is what I am going for. I am using the room divider and it worked pretty good. There is one wall it crosses that is just a strip footing on the middle bearing wall but it wants to make it a frost wall like the rest of the walls in that "room" Is there a way other than manually clicking and dragging to make this wall not follow the specs for this "room"? Thanks Grit_12.plan
  21. Thank you for the help but the file does not appear in the folder. I have restarted all the work I lost yesterday and am almost back to where I was. Lost about 4 hrs of work. thanks again!
  22. where exactly am I suppose to be looking? Also the plan i uploaded says its corrupted when you try to click the link
  23. thats where i looked for it. It has the folder but no file