Problems with auto-generated roof.


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I am drawing my current home in Home Designer Suite 2024 as a reference and means to preview renovations. Everything was going very well until I got to the roof generation. I almost have things working perfectly, except for when I add the garage into the mix, and then it all falls apart. I've tried everything I can think of and now would like to ask the experts. My roof does have some complicated inclines, but I feel like I should have gotten this by now and I've been very close. Not sure what else I can change to make this work and it doesn't help that there is no room for manual manipulation of the roof in this product.


The first attached image "roof_without_garage.png" shows the main house roof as it should be. It starts with 5" in 12 pitch and then goes to 10" in 12 shortly after the dormer and it was able to recreate this beautifully. Also note the small straight 10" in 12 slope in the back that goes from the second floor to the first floor.





The second image "roof_with_garage.png" shows what happens when I add the garage roof. It should be 5" in 12 on both sides, but the garage doesn't ultimately go to the 10" in 12 so it shouldn't follow in the same way as the main roof. You can also see that this breaks the slope in the back of the house as well as in the front near the dormer.




I've tried everything I can to get this to separate to no avail. What do I need to do to handle this properly? Where to even start? I've tried to put in breaks in the garage wall and even tried to draw a room divider line and nothing has gotten me to the necessary result. Apologies in advanced if my terminology is not proper as I don't do home design for a living, but I'm beyond frustrated at this point. All suggestions are welcome and let me know if you need more information.


Thank you,



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