First day questions


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1) I may use the "Cross Hair" cursor but i want to try the Arrow, How do i change? The Cross Hairs were not in the training vid!
2) My "Library Browser" doesn't have the "triangle" mentioned in the training?? In the options may be Toilets, Tubs, Washer/Dryer, Dish Washer, Refrigerator, ect??
3) In "Dimensions" I need the measurements (Most Times) to be Point to Point. On the Exterior, where the where the Interior walls are, the Framers and Plumbers Need that measurement all the time! 
4) I need the Windows and Doors to have a Center Line measurement, This is for the Framing Plan! I sure hope this is possible!
5) On the Training vid, the trainer kicked on a wall and moved them, I seem to be missing HOW to do that? And if I move or type in the measurement on an interior wall, I Do Not want the exterior wall to move to accommodate the new measurement? Maybe saving the exterior walls first will avoid this happening??

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