Collaboration on project


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Is it possible, in either HD Pro or in CA, to split a project among 2 or more teams/designers and when all parties have completed their parts to merge everything into a finished project?


Example: I have established the final design for walls and doors. Now I need to "tweak" the project with window positions, cabinets, fixtures, electrical, lighting, accessories, floor material, wall colors, etc. All the nit picky things that add pizzazz to a design and sells it to the client. But this is incredibly time consuming. I would like to give the same .plan file to another person and tell them to work on windows, wall and floor material, and accessories, while I work on fixtures, electric, and lighting. Then when we are both finished with our respective parts of the project, merge the two files into a single finished plan to present to the client.


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Not automatically, but since you'll both be starting off with the same copy of the plan file where walls are already placed at the same location, when you get the plan back from the other person, in your plan you can turn on just the layers of objects that you worked on, drag a marquee around everything, copy it from your plan, then open the copy of their plan and use Edit> Paste> Paste Hold Position to put those objects in the same spot and save a new copy of the file that has everything.  (Since the other person would be working on things included in wall elements and in rooms, you wouldn't want to copy their version into your plan.)

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