Easiest Way to Make A Hallway Smaller In A Floor Plan Already Busy with Objects


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I've been working on my floor plan for 2 years. It's a very wide rectangular ranch-style home with a 7 foot wide hallway going through much of the house in the middle. I recently realized for budget reasons that I need to reduce the hallway from 7' to 5', but because the house is already full of details (cabinets, AC outlets, lighting, furniture, accents, etc., etc., etc.), resizing the hallway 1' less from the front and 1' less from the back would 'mess up' the many items in all of the rooms, requiring days of fine-tuning. What would be a good way to accomplish the hallway resizing with the least hassle? I thought maybe to cut all the objects from each room and paste it in a different document, then resize the hallway when the house is empty, then paste back all the objects of each room, but there is no way to paste the objects (even as a group) exactly where they were. Any ideas?

Many thanks,


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Thank you so much Eric!!!


I did a quick experiment with the feature you suggested (Edit Area), and I think it will do that job and save me days! Thank you also for your other suggestions (hopefully my signature will appear below, and re. Transform/Replicate -- I guess that's only in the Pro version. I wish they charged $250 for it rather than $500).


I have a few other questions that I've accumulated over the last couple of years while using the program, and hopefully you or others will answer them as well when I post them in the coming days.


All the best,


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