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  1. socmat23

    Deck Posts

    Yup, I should have been able to find that... Thanks!
  2. socmat23

    Deck Posts

    I have tried not labeling it as a deck, I have deleted it and tried rebuilding it. I have tried railing vs deck railing. I have tied the "roof over this room." In all the videos I have watched it seems like their tools just include these posts. But I cannot seem to get them to appear.
  3. socmat23

    Deck Posts

    When I build a deck, I can't seem to get it to display posts to support the roof. I was able to put a roof over it using the manual roof tool, but no matter what I try I cannot get the verticle post to show. Is there something foolish I am missing? Thanks
  4. Getting closer, but not sure if did it the right way. still need to install attic walls? Future House.plan
  5. Jo_Ann, That happened when I deleted all of the interior walls I had already created to put the simplest file on this forum to address the roof issue, and I'm guessing it has no bearing on how to break the roof up as shown in the picture. so if you have any input on that, that would be great. Thanks
  6. Looking at it that way I guess I would build the center section (in-between each larger gable) with exterior walls, ignoring the farthest ends, ad in-wall breaks towards the end to prevent the valleys from coming all the way to the corners of the bump-outs, and then try and do a shed roof on the section in the middle?
  7. That should work better for a file. I guess if I don't look at the bump-outs as dormers I'm not sure how I would look at them? Future House.plan
  8. Here is the file Home Designer Pro 2021 (64 bit).lnk
  9. How would I go about making this roofline? I have tried it with setting the ceiling heights to 0", but the issue I am having is the returns only go as far as the exterior wall returns, and I end up with no exterior wall at the upper gable. Also, when I try to make the dormers it will not let me put them on the edge of the house. The other issue I was having is that the upper shed dormer is outside the footprint of the front door below. I would appreciate any help someone can give. Thanks
  10. How were you able to put a counter top on a half wall? I have been trying to had a breakfast bar to the back of a row of cabinets and havn't been able to figure it out