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  1. I will second that.... these are great. Rob
  2. A little off topic but the renders shown in this thread prompted me to pose the question. What is the best combination of tools/utilities to get from HDP 15 to s photo realistic render? I have tried exporting a 3D view to an STL file and then import into Blender with no luck. Joann clearly has it mastered so I am curious how to get there. Thanks, Rob
  3. I discovered you have to be sure to delete the (d) in order to change the values. Have you had any luck trying that? Rob
  4. Eric and Mick Thanks again for all of your help. Through you guidance, I learned one important thing and believe I found a bug. Learning: The ceiling height in a room under an "open below area" needs to be the same as the floor height of the space above. This seems counter intuitive because the default setting sets the rough and finished ceilings at the same height. Based on my now known to be flawed reasoning, early on I matched the ceiling height of the lower space to the rest of the ceilings on that floor. As soon as I let lower room have its default ceiling height it fixed the crown molding and one of the two areas where rough material was showing through the drywall. Bug: The second spot where rough material is showing through seems to be a bug. Along one edge of the open space there is a half wall. Just below where the half wall meets the corner of two outside walls there is a spot of rough material showing through and the crown minding on top does not go around the corner. When I replaced the half wall with a full wall the spot went away and the crown molding met as it should. This is shown in the two pictures below. If someone else can duplicate what I believe to be a bug I will happily report it. Rob
  5. Thanks everyone, you guys are the best. I am headed out this AM but I will incorporate all of your suggestions when I get back later. Rob
  6. Eric Thanks for the look, you have a good memory. Your assistance last time was helpful and I believe I have leaned much from you and others on this board. I took a look at the plan you posted and it still has the show through issue originally identified. (see attached pic.) Any other suggestions? Rob
  7. Mick The last plan I uploaded does not have a roof to create the problem, my previous post was mot clear. I stripped/deleted all related elements and did not rebuild the roof. Also, the issue appears to be between the first and second floors and not at the top of the second floor where the roof returns could cause a problem. My software should be up to dates since I just updated to Pro recently. I will double check just to make sure. Rob
  8. Still no luck. I changed the 1/2 wall to a matching railing and that did not help. I still feel like it has something to do with the problem only being in the "open below" area. Rob
  9. Mick No, luck. I stripped off all of the roof planes, baselines, etc. and still have the stray marks on the wall. I also deleted and rebuilt the 1/2 wall and that did not fix the molding issue. I chalked that one up to a software bug because it is present only in the open below section and mot the rest of the loft. I attached a new plan without the roof. Thanks again for taming a look. RobBucknell-Rosenbaum no
  10. I am close to having all of the basic structure completed but have a bit of a strange bit of wall showing through the finished wall in one spot. Rather than trying to explain I have attached three images and the plan. One image shows the problem on the inside wall, one is a cross section of the problem are and the third is just showing where in the plan the problem is. There appears to be a small section of exterior wall visible in the cross section that is cussing the problem but I cannot figure out where it is from or how to get rid of it. Thanks in advance for your help. Rob HD Professional 15(newly upgraded)
  11. Yup, an upgrade in store for me. I know I will benefit from some of the other features not found in Arch. Rob
  12. Looks like a capability in Pro. Is there a workaround in Architectural? Rob
  13. The heading says it all. Is there a way to freeze or lock walls in place so that as I am working electric, plumbing, furniture, etc. details if I accidentally select it I cannot inadvertently move it? Rob HD Arch. 15, Win 8.1