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Everything posted by floridauk

  1. floridauk

    technical issue

    hi....everytime i drop a planning room, i get this message...i say no and drop a room outline and it poops up again...wont go away... help, pleasehelp.docx
  2. hi....are there any fluted wall finishes available?
  3. yes, thanks.....making the switch to the slab did it. i have auditory learning challenges so videos are difficult. are there and 'summary sheets' with a liat of settings and functions, of sorts.....does that make sense?.
  4. received guidane from a patient support enter gent so thanks!!!
  5. i am reading all replies and am grateful....i am a slow processor, even if fairly smart, so i will take a few days to digest but will respond when i 'get it'...thanks everyone... jo ann....i do appreciate any help i get, sincerely, but even tho i have a high iq, i am also learning disabled and neurodiverse so we process info in a different way. my husband is also but he is a geek...self taught programer, builds 3D printers, etc....me....well, i have done floor plans on quad pads since age 10....59 years ago...so am creative but obvious to you is foreign to me sometimes!!! and i have a great sense of humor so not offended, just try to educate non-neurodiverse to be patient and understand our challenges! have a good weekend
  6. i have been a floor plan developer for years but i am trying to now incorporate the exterior and elevations, etc. since starting with home designer about 6 or 7 years ago, this is how my doors turn out....the outside view high, the inside view with the door too low....would someone please guide me to the settings i am not adjusting....please...thanks also, i dont incorporate basements so it is just a regular concrete foundation....florida life style...if that is the issue...and i sometimes design with 7 foot ceilings finish....weird, i know...thanks for any help
  7. file attached 996 with wrong garage foundation.plan
  8. floridauk

    easy question

    I was able to explode some but for some reason, I couldn't explode a specific kitchen group....but I just got creative and faked a sit at counter....thank you, though
  9. Sorry to be thick...upload the actual file from home designer? The 3D view or floor plan file...?
  10. I drew the walls of a house, empty inside. to the left of the house, 4 walls for a detached garage. i attached a photo....can someone explain why the foundations are different? i want the garage to have the identicl 6 inch fooundation as the house but this is what i get.... does anyone have a clue??? Thanks
  11. floridauk

    easy question

    are you still able to explode grouped rooms from the extras library????
  12. i dofeel thick and bothersome but........i want a ledge with the top roughly at 40" high and 4 to6 inches deep to run behind the kitchen counters...so the standard 24" deep cabinets would actually be either 28 inches or 30 inches out from the wall. i just am uncertain if anyone actually builds like that of is it just my design. we are rebuilding an extension from scratch and because we live in a hobbit house...soo small...i need a ledge behind the full cabinet length for...well, just crap thatsits on the counter. for my living style, it would just work. i assume a solid exterior wall would be build but then this long, skinny ledge at 40 inches tall would just be framed in but in such a way...maybe obvious to say...that the plumbing or gas or whatever could be accessed by using a removable back panel of the cabinets. this seems to be making me sound weirder as i try and describe it but i know for a fact, having that ledge...i don't us upper cabinets, only shelves...will be a massive helpfor a variety fof reasons... i really appreciate your time and effort to help....but doesnt anyone ever build this way??????
  13. ,,,,i am familiar with new home construction...florida style...for a variety of background reasons BUT i am trying to understand 1] if there is a proper term for the wall design i will try to describe and, also, if by some small chance someone in the building arena might have some experience with the wall design i refer to in any form....i have seen it behind toilet, too, and because we live in a tiny, tiny home and storage is minimal, i want to do it on at least 1 long kitchen wall/windowless and the window wall. ....the attached drawing....well, no laughing....i threw it together in a few secs so it is just to try and explain the wall style, if it exists and any feedback some kind experienced builder type person might share...thanks very much it is the obvious light blue surface behind the sink have a good weekend
  14. isn't it amazing how thick a soul can be in a panic...or at least me.....i saved it by renaming,,,...let;s see if i can avoid the panic next time and just THINK!!!!! thanks so much eric, again...have a good weekend
  15. Would someone be able to tell me what happened by the error message below so I am able to close the file.....please
  16. ,,,,attached is a picture of the flower bed that is a terrain feature specification. could someone tell me how to take a terrain feature, such as a kidney shape, and how to add all the points that allow you to manipulate the feature to make that bed?
  17. floridauk


    Ahhhhhhh...thanks so much....
  18. floridauk


    Hi Please tell me what the symbol is next to my cursor arrow and how to get rid of it...it is driving me nuts!!
  19. Well, we did contact tech support but it is not a possibility but thanks for your thoughts....my husband is a programmer and thought over your input.....good luck....my husband is an inventor in many ways so he respects your efforts.
  20. floridauk

    VR Compatibility

    Hello again Hubby is into the world of VR. Goal: take my home design, export it in a 3D file format for VR. Details....I have Suite 2021...if we upgrade to Architect, would there be the file format of FBX or STL/OBJ, which he is able convert to FBX....and if upgrading to architectural doesn't do it alone, would upgrading to Architect [or using current Suite 2021] provide the path for you to recommend an add on program you know is reliable that would enable him to import my designs into his VR world....? thanks again for any help
  21. i am back.....hopefully, easy....when you go to the 3D image to use the painter, in the dollhouse view, obviously, no ceiling....is there a way to do all the ceilings at once with the 3D painter or, as i am doing now, you just go room to room......and, BTW, don't blame the brits for weirdness....i am a florida oldh ippie....65... married to a much more sensible brit and living near london....and far, far away from the current prez, thanks....have a good weekend
  22. floridauk


    i did know that but no, walls all closed, everything the same....i will just keep re-pasting them in a new plan....it is still happening and i still am lost in space as to why but life istoo short to fret!!! thanks, everyone
  23. floridauk


    Hmmmm...well, didn't delete it....all i did was push out an exterior wall to add square footage. If i undo it, the ttl sf reappears....it is weird...
  24. floridauk


    Sometimes when i move a wall to increase or decrease the room size. the total square footage that displays at the bottom of the floor plan just disappears.....i have been creating a new plan and copying the original one over but it would be a lot easier of i could bring the sf display back....can anyone tell me why it disappears when i move a wall and how to re-display it? thanks
  25. thanks for the input...it is appreciated