Essentially, I'm using this to design (draw) the plans for a rebuild of our old cottage (foundation up). As it is a self-design & self-build I have to submit the appropriate drawings to the county. Fortunately the design is extremely simple, single floor, on concrete crawlspace, simple roof & porch. It isn't like I am doing this as a pro or designer, just the guy next door trying to keep expenses down.
While I went through the Feature Matrix I wasn't certain of the terminology and I'm trying to be as cost conscious as I can. Seems like I have no other option than to "upgrade" for the features & functions I need such as making those adjustments and printing Layouts (blueprints). Maybe one of the Points on the Selector should say Building & Blueprint Layout Printing capability: [n], [n],[n],[n],[Y]
I would draw things out myself but I really suck at drawing and all the "details" that are required for building inspectors and all that are well....