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Posts posted by Dave_n_Deb

  1. @DavidJPotter The first suspect definitely doesn't apply, as I have used nothing from outside Home Designer Pro.  The second suspect, I don't think so, but not sure how to determine ...unless it is due to the textures (lots of stone and wood) that I am using. As far as plan design, my rooms are square/straight (walls, ceilings, cabinets, roofs, etc).

    I thank you for your informational response!! I will use this information to more thoroughly investigate my issue.  First project with this program....so learning a lot as I go.

    Thank you again,


  2. I am looking for possible reasons that my Surface Count would be excessive...if when I turn off all but essential Layer Display Options.  The lowest I have been able to achieve is 1279420 Surfaces. Which is also driving my Texture Size well over 100 MB.

    Any assistance/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


    Thank you,
