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  1. Thank you Keith. You're becoming my best buddy!
  2. I've tried updating each individual file as well as updating them all at once. This is what I get: Anybody have any ideas?
  3. For those who may have the same problem, the bogus setting was in the "Room" settings. So that means there are about 5 or 6 places to look for the same setting (FRUSTRATING!!!) ...in the default settings for Floor/Platform, in the default for each floor, in the default for Framing, and in the Room setting itself.
  4. I found the setting in a few places... one of them was in the "framing" settings and that fixed the second floor as well. Thank you Keith!!!!!
  5. Thanks, Keith. That solved the problem on the first floor, but not the second, even though I went and made the default change to both floors. Any ideas?
  6. Software was updated since I created my signature here. It is HDP 2024 - Build
  7. As you can see, I have turned on every framing layer possible but a gap is displayed where the 3/4" subfloor should be. I've never run across this problem before. I created a zip file backup to include here but it was over 42 MB.... well beyond the 14 MB max size for this site. Anybody have an idea what's causing this?
  8. As I read through the Help files, the only type of files you can import are .calib and .calibz files. The files in this and several other collections are .png files. That is why people are telling you, Chief Architect, that they cannot get these files to load. Why are you selling files that won't work with your software?
  9. I found the problem. When the plan was sent to the layout sheet, the "Use Layout Line Scaling" option must have been unchecked which produced the fat line weights.
  10. I tried printing the PDF with Microsoft's PDF as well as Adobe's.... still getting the same bad results. As past plans have done just fine, I suspect I have inadvertently messed up a setting in this HDP file.
  11. Eric.... thanks for the rapid reply. I made sure the line weights were off and then created a new PDF of it. I still have the same problem. Regardless of whether the line weights are on or off, the same results are rendered. I also tried both "Export to PDF" and "Print to PDF" but still get the thick line weights in the PDF.
  12. "Line Weights were on..." As in default line weights? Were does it appear that I went wrong? Thanks, Eric. I'm way behind getting this sent off to the engineer. I really appreciate your assistance!!!!
  13. I posted this on 6/23/22 but got no response. My plan in the layout sheet looks perfect. But when I export the layout sheet to a PDF, the wall line weights get too thick. I must have inadvertently changed a setting somewhere because I have successfully exported to PDFs many times in the past. I have looked at every setting I can think of but keep coming up empty. Suggestions? A-3 First Floor Plan.pdf A-3 First Floor Plan.layout
  14. My plan in the layout sheet looks perfect. But when I export the layout sheet to a PDF, the wall line weights get too thick. I must have inadvertently changed a setting somewhere because I have successfully exported to PDFs many times in the past. I have looked at every setting I can think of but keep coming up empty. Suggestions? A-3 First Floor Plan.layout A-3 First Floor Plan.pdf
  15. I was having a problem with very blurry, low resolution elevations and sections sent to the layout sheet as a scaled, updateable item. If that happens to you, here is a quick fix: Select the low res item on your layout sheet, zoom in close, and then click on the "Update Layout Views" button and your problem should go away. I hope this helps someone before they waste as much time as I did figuring this out. Cheers!